- And to top it all, she said she loved him. 更妙的是,她说她爱他。
- And to top it all,he said he loved her. 最妙的是,他还说他爱她。
- And to top it all,she said she loved him. 更妙的是,她说她爱他。
- It just wasn't my day: the car wouldn't start; I was late for the meeting, and to top it all I laddered my tights! 那真是不顺心的日子:汽车发动不起来,我开会迟到,更有甚者,我的紧身衣抽丝了!
- And to top it all, he said he loved her. 最妙的是,他还说他爱她。
- Joan hadn't finished her home work, she was late to school, and to top it all off she missed a surprise test. 琼的家庭作业没做完,上学又迟到了,最糟的是她还错过了一场事先不通知的考试。
- To top it all off, Jaedong was humiliated by Calm in the MSL. 而这一切过后,激动又在MSL上被私生子羞辱了一番。
- And to top it all off,Saddam Hussein, like Usama bin Laden, is still on the loose! 而最最令人不安的是萨达姆,他和拉登一样,至今仍未归案。
- It just wasn't my day:the car wouldn't start,I was late for the meeting,and to top it all I laddered my tights! 那真是不顺心的日子:汽车发动不起来,我开会迟到,更糟糕的是,我的紧身衣抽丝了。
- To top it all off,the media love to poratray CEO pay packets as excessive and unwarranted. 更惹人嫌的是,媒体最爱声绘声绘影说执行长的薪水过高而且没有道理。
- It just wasn't my day: the car wouldn't start; I was late for the meeting,and to top it all I laddered my tights! 那真是不顺心的日子:汽车发动不起来,我开会迟到,更有甚者,我的紧身衣抽丝了!
- Joan hadn't finished her home work,she was late to school,and to top it all off she missed a surprise test. 琼的家庭作业没做完,上学又迟到了,最糟的是她还错过了一场事先不通知的考试。
- It just wasn't my day: the car wouldn't start; I was late for the meeting, and to top it all I ladderedmy tights! 那真是不顺心的日子:汽车发动不起来,我开会迟到,更有甚者,我的紧身衣抽丝了!
- They gave me hypodermics, and to top it all, tonsillitis was followed by appendectomy. 然后我去做皮下注射;接着我又做了阑尾切除手术,我的扁桃体又发炎了。”
- To top it off, that filthy scum is my father. 除此以外,那个人渣还是我父亲。
- To top it all, irresponsible and jingoistic statements by the political leadership precipitated matters and gave a handle to the Chinese to attack Indian posts in 'self-defense'. 最为严重的是,政治家们不负责任和国粹主义的声明使局势更加恶化,并使中国人有把柄以“自卫”的名义进攻印度哨所。
- To top it off, he masturbated into the concoction. 为了灌满它,他又自慰加以混合。
- To top it all I lost my job. 最糟糕的是我丢了工作。
- And to top it all off a spirit of pure poetry 而额外再加上个纯粹诗歌的精神
- He did the work so badly that I had to do it all over again myself. 他干的太差劲了,我只好亲自重做。