- to swell like a turkey cock 趾高气扬
- swell like a turkey cock 高傲得像火鸡一样;昂首阔步
- Hitler used to goose-step like a turkey. 希特勒的鹅步走起来像火鸡一样。
- strut like a turkey cock 高傲得像火鸡一样;昂首阔步
- "Boredom" Greene wrote, "seemed to swell like a balloon inside my head; “厌烦”,格林写道,“就像一个气球一样在我脑袋里膨胀;
- Lucy saw that his ankle was swollen like a balloon. 露西发现他的脚踝肿得象只气球。
- His vanity swelled like a bloated belly. 他一肚子的狂妄自大一个劲儿地膨胀。
- Tom had a fall and his under lip began to swell up. 汤姆跌了一跤,下唇开始肿起。
- He is like a cock who though the sun has risen to hear him crow. 他像一只以为太阳出来是为了听他啼声的雄鸡。
- His overcoat was swollen like a full balloon by the wind. 他的大衣被风吹得鼓成了一个圆气球的样子。
- He took a job to swell his pockets. 他找了份工作想多挣点钱。
- Riding the swell like a cork, I'd sink into a trough, only to find the next wave barreling over me. 我就像骑着一个木塞一样地骑着海浪,我要游入一个波谷,为的知识找到下一个能遮蔽我的海浪。
- He strutted about the street like a gaudy fighting cock. 他在街上大摇大摆地走,像一只绚丽好斗的公鸡。
- He took a job to swell his pocket [funds]. 他得到一份工作以增加他的收入。
- Tom had a fall and his underlip began to swell up. 汤姆跌了一跤,下唇开始肿起。
- More info: Use a slender metal pin, like a turkey lacer, to check whether the brisket is tender. 更多信息:用细金属针,类似于火鸡带,去随时检查牛胸是否软嫩。
- Don't prick that boil; allow it to swell up and burst. 不要挑破那个疖子; 让它肿起来自己破裂好了。
- He took a job to swell his pockets . 他找了份工作想多挣点钱。
- Tom has a fall and his under lip begin to swell up. 汤姆跌了一跤,下唇开始肿起。
- I sprained my ankle. My foot was swelling like a balloon. 我扭伤了我的脚踝,我的脚肿得象个气球。