- to soup up a job 增加工作效率
- The engineer tried to soup up the engine. 工程师试图加大这台发动机的马力。
- She has taken up a job as a teacher. 她当上教师了。
- A setup person can set up a job on an idle pallet. 装载工可以在一个空闲托盘上放置一项待加工件。
- It is now our aim to set up a factory. 我们现在的目的是创办一座工厂。
- You can't go to a job interview looking so scruffy! 你求职去面试不能这邋里邋遢的!
- He resigned his commission to take up a civilian job. 他辞去军职而从事平民工作。
- He is better suited to a job with older pupils. 他较适合教小学高年级学生。
- High-test gasoline will soup up your car. 你的车子使用高级汽油可以增大马力。
- John vamped up a few rumors to discredit his enemy. 约翰编造一些谣言去中伤他的敌人。
- He hunted up a restaurant to appease his hunger. 他好容易找到一家餐馆去填饱肚子。
- I'm going to call the employment agency for a job. 我准备到职业介绍所去找工作。
- Most people would sooner take up a job at home than try their luck abroad now. 如今,好多人宁愿在国内工作也不愿去国外碰运气。
- I've found a job that suits me down to the ground. 我找到了一份工作,对我再合适不过了。
- Without enough money to pay for rent,she was up a creek until she found a job. 她找到工作后才走出了付不出房租的困境.
- John put up a real fight to overcome the disease. 约翰为征服疾病,进行了不屈的斗争。
- She was lucky to find a job in radio. 她很幸运在广播电台找到了一份工作。
- to soup up the engine by increasing the richness of the fuel mixture 以增加燃料混合物的含量加大发动机的马力
- To apply for a job, you must fill out a form. 申请工作要填表。
- Trust you to dream up a crazy scheme like this! 亏你想得出这种异想天开的计划!