- to shy away the difficulties 回避困难
- We are not going to shy away from making a contrast," said Axelrod. 他首先谈到奥巴马的个人经历。
- It is impossible for him to shy away from the problems. 他要避开这些问题是不可能的。
- He isn't the man to shy at difficulties. 他不是在困难面前畏缩的人。
- Psychological factors also cause some young people to shy away from Chinese publications. 有一部分的年轻人之所以对华文书报敬而远之,其实是不必要的心理因素。
- In fact, many New Agers tend to shy away from the structure and confines of traditional religious practices. 事实上,许多新时代人都倾向于羞怯地避开传统宗教修行的结构和界限。
- He was determined to iron out the difficulties. 他决心解决困难。
- Drummond, an Olympic relay gold medalist in 2000, is not one to shy away from a boast or bold prediction. 2000年奥运会接力赛金牌得主,并不是回避吹牛或大胆预测的人。
- To not give oneself to overconfidence and arrogance as well as to shy away from lack of pride and over humbleness. 过多的计划,就象是高效的杀手,会极大程度上导致时机的延迟。
- Not one to shy away from a prediction, Roach is quick and adamant in his reply when asked for one. 罗奇敢于预测,无论谁提到这个,他都会快速有力地做出回答。
- All the difficulties and risks had to be carefully weighed. 所有的困难和风险都得仔细考虑。
- It is impossible to charm away the whooping-cough. 用符咒驱除百日咳是不可能的。
- You seem not to shy away from any challenge if you believe the Lord is in it. Congratulations. 你看起来绝对不会逃避任何挑战;只相信一切必有主的美意.;真恭喜你
- He tried to explain away the missing money. 他试图为丢失钱而进行辩解。
- Although you can appreciate the Water-bearer' s mind and originality, the Aquarian's lack of direction and carefree nature will cause you to shy away. 摩羯-瓶:你很欣赏水瓶座人的思维方式和创新精神,不过缺少目标和责任感的他/只会让你躲闪不及。
- Although you can appreciate the Water-bearer' s mind and originality, the Aquarian 's lack of direction and carefree nature will cause you to shy away. 摩羯-瓶:你很欣赏水瓶座人的思维方式和创新精神,不过缺少目标和责任感的他/只会让你躲闪不及。
- All this prompted us to think out various ways to overcome the difficulties. 这一切都促使我们想出各种办法来克服困难。
- Don't underestimate the difficulties of the work. 不要低估了这项工作的艰巨性。
- CAPRICORN& AQUARIUS: Although you can appreciate the Water-bearer' s mind and originality, the Aquarian's lack of direction and carefree nature will cause you to shy away. 摩羯-瓶:你很欣赏水瓶座人的思维方式和创新精神,不过缺少目标和责任感的他/只会让你躲闪不及。
- Our job is to clear away the rubbish. 我们的工作是清除这些垃圾。