- to send sth by mail 邮寄某物
- To send letters and other postal material by mail. 投邮用邮寄的方式发送信件和其他邮件
- I plan to send my cousin the package by mail. 我打算用邮寄方式,把这个包裹寄给我的表哥。
- to send sth by post 邮寄某物
- I want to send this by surface mail. 这个我要用水陆递送。
- I'd like to send this postcard by sea mail. 这封明信片我要以海运寄。
- Do you want to send it by air or ordinary mail? 你要航空邮递还是普通邮递?
- How much is it to send this parcel by air mail? 欲通过航寄发送这小包需要多少钱?
- I'd like to send this letter by air mail. 我要寄这封航空信。
- I want to send these magazine by book post. 我想把这引起杂志作为书籍邮件寄出。
- We tossed a coin (eg to decide sth by chance) and it came down heads. 我们把硬币一掷(如以此法决定某事), 落下後是漫面朝上。
- Transmission of e-mails are vulnerable to third-party interception. You should consider to send your written enquiry by mail or fax if the content is private and confidential. 由于电邮内容可能会被第三者截取,因此询问函件如载有私人或机密资料,请考虑以邮寄或传真方式传送。
- I'd like to send this letter by express mail. 我要用快件寄这封信。
- Do you want to send it by air or by ordinary mail? 您是寄航空还是寄普通邮件?
- I would like to send this by express mail. 我想通过快递发送。
- Send sth inbsend sth by post to a place where it will be dealt with 将某物寄至某处进行处理
- Their new products are available by mail order. 他们的新产品可以邮购方式买到。
- You can send letters by mail or by hand. 你可以邮寄或者派人送信件。
- I want to send this letter by air mail. 这封信我要寄航空。
- send sth in or send sth by post to a place where it will be dealt with 将某物寄至某处进行处理