- to scale up wages 按比例提高工资
- Service Broker activation makes it easy to scale up applications as more processing power becomes available. 由于处理能力变得更强,因此Service Broker激活可以轻松地向上扩展应用程序。
- He is now working on similar experiments in larger animals, and aims to scale up to human trials if successful. 他现在正在在更大的动物上进行类似的试验,目的是希望成功后能直接进入人类实验。
- The next phase is to scale up the manufacturing process, with the aim of making the material rather as you would convert wood-pulp to newsprint. 下一步就是要达到规模化生产,让这一材料的制造过程如同把纸浆变成新闻纸那样容易。
- Results:The approach of methadone maintenance treatment is effective,valid,and easy to operate and is potential to scale up. 药物维持治疗效果明显,方法可靠,操作技术简便,具有良好的推广价值和市场潜力。
- It provides ways for enterprise applications such as Web servers and databases to scale up without resorting to complex internal pooling mechanisms for network connections. 它为Web服务器和数据库等企业应用程序的扩展提供了一个途径,而不必求助用于网络连接的复杂的内部池机制。
- Building 1.5 GW of photovoltaics and 1.5 GW of concentrated solar power annually in the first five years would stimulate many manufacturers to scale up. 在最初五年内,每年建造15亿瓦的光电装置及15亿瓦的集光型太阳能发电设备,将可促使许多制造厂商扩大规模;
- We need to figure out how to scale up the quantities of the imprints we can make.We must ensure that every copy of an imprint is always the same as the others. 好比我们必须找出量产铸模的方法,也要确保每个制成的铸模都一模一样。
- We've scaled up production to meet demand. 我们已经扩大了生产以满足需求。
- The group is thinking about how to scale up to a larger aircraft or stationary balloon, says team member Robert V.Burdine of the Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala. 美国阿拉巴马州杭茨维尔的马歇尔太空中心研究人员布尔丁说,他们正在构思如何把这个模型放大,以制造出大型的飞行器或者稳定的气球。
- Though the president obligingly promised $39m for a local unit of Navistar to make electric trucks, it will take time for the firm to scale up production and hire workers. 尽管奥巴马允诺纳威司公司的达埃尔克哈特分厂三千九百万美元以制造电动货车,但公司要开始大规模生产,雇佣工人还需时日。
- The statue was made to scale, one inch to a foot. 这座塑像是按比例做的,大小是真人的十二份之一。
- He learned to scale a rock face from his father. 他从他父亲那儿学得攀登崖面的技巧。
- The simpler, high-bandwidth approach can be an easier tactical solution in the short term, but over time, Gigabit Ethernet switches must integrate standards-based traffic management and Layer 3 switching technologies to scale up in large nets. 较简单的大带宽方法可以是一种短期内较容易的战略技术方案,但从长期看,千兆位以太网交换机必须与基于标准的流量管理和第三层交换技术相结合,以上扩至大型网络。
- The simpler,high-bandwidth approach can be an easier tactical solution in the short term,but over time,Gigabit Ethernet switches must integrate standards-based traffic management and Layer 3 switching technologies to scale up in large nets. 较简单的大带宽方法可以是一种短期内较容易的战略技术方案,但从长期看,千兆位以太网交换机必须与基于标准的流量管理和第三层交换技术相结合,以上扩至大型网络。
- "It's a route to scaling up DNA computing to larger problems," says Smith of his experiment. 史密斯在谈到自己的实验时指出:“这是按比例放大DNA的运算能力以解决更大问题的途径。”
- This behavior has been coded this way so that you can fine tune all your light setting and then decide to scale up (or down) the whole scene without suffering from a drastic change in the lighting intesity. 这个特性使你能够对所有灯光设置进行调节,然后再调亮或是调暗整个场景,而不会受灯光亮度剧烈变化的影响。
- The company has begun to scale down its operations in Asia. 这家公司已开始减少在亚洲的业务。
- If work on a commercial plant began in parallel with ITER, rather than decades after it goes online, fusion might be ready to scale up for production by midcentury, Najmabadi argues. 纳马巴蒂指出,如果商用电厂和ITER同时发展,而不是浪费几十年等它上线,那麽也许到本世纪中叶,核融合即能提高生产规模了。
- An impediment to scaling up these approaches, however, was that the quality of the entangled state decreased as the number of ions increased. 然而,当离子数量增加,缠结状态的品质就会下降,这种特性便成了这项技术的一道障碍。