- to roll over the hillside 沿着山坡滚下
- Factory buildings spread out over the hillside. 厂房罗列在山坡上。
- Every time Jack rolled over the pulled more of the bedclothes to his side. 杰克每翻一次身,总要把被子向他那边多拉过去一点。
- Brad Setser, an analyst at RGE Monitor, argues that European banks caught with asset-backed commercial paper may have been buying dollars for fear of being unable to roll over the short-term debt. RGEMonitor的分析师BradSetser则争辩这是由于那些陷入资产抵押商业债券的欧洲银行担心不能对其短期贷款重新筹资而买入美元。
- Chock the barrel up or else it will roll over. 用楔子塞住圆桶,不然它会滚过去。
- A giant wave rolled over the bouncing boat. 一个巨浪卷过这条颠簸的小船。
- He tried to varnish over the truth with a lie. 他试图用谎言来掩盖真相。
- The current Enn. Log file is forced to roll over immediately after all database files have been copied to tape. 将所有数据库文件复制到磁带后;会强制当前的Enn.;log文件立即进行滚动。
- As his voice rose the tears began to roll down her cheeks. 随着他的嗓音提高,她的眼泪开始簌簌地直往下流。
- The reason that the log is forced to roll over is that log files cannot be backed up while they are open. 强制日志滚动的原因在于,日志文件在打开时不能进行备份。
- NOSes are intertwoven with the PC BIOS issue in their ability to roll over system dates successfully to the year 2000. 就系统日期能否顺利地过渡到2000年的能力而言,网络操作系统(NOS)与PC机的BIOS问题交织在一起。
- He slips and it is difficult for him to roll over again on his belly.She prods him with her thick toes. 他滑倒后要打个滚再重新趴在地上都很费劲,于是范妮便用她的粗脚趾轻轻踢踢他。
- That one cold morning when you want to roll over but instead getup and go to the gym, is a defining moment. 做好准备,你的时刻来临了!
- Given the reduction in interest rates during the month, depositors might have become less willing to roll over their term deposits. 在该月,存户将定期存款转为储蓄和往来存款的情况显著增加。由于利率下调,所以存户可能不愿意将定期存款续期。
- He knew how to put over the ideas skilfully. 他懂得怎样巧妙地把这些意思讲清楚。
- As the feeble struggle to roll over their debt, the banks with the most to lose from their demise are reaching for a palliative. 几家可能会在停业中蒙受最多损失的银行正寻求特效药,作为扭转债务的虚弱挣扎。
- He leaned over the table to hear what she said. 他隔桌探身想听清她说了些什么。
- The Tan-Timer Bikini has an electronic timer that beeps every 15 minutes to remind its wearer to roll over or seek shade. 这种比基尼配有一个电子计时器,没隔15分钟,它就鸣叫提醒穿者翻身或找阴凉避暑。
- As he got out on the road he pulled up his horse, hesitating whether to go along it or to cut across it, and ride over the black field up the hillside. 他走上马路,犹豫不决地轻轻勒住马,沿着马路向前走呢,还是穿过马路沿着黑色的田野向山下走去呢。
- He likes to lord it over the junior staff. 他喜欢对下级职员逞威风。