- It was easy to train a soldier to use a musket, and hence they combined the power of gunpowder with the ability to raise an army cheaply. 训练一名士兵成为一名持枪步兵是挺容易的,所以能够比较便宜地招募军队。
- SIGNAL allows you to raise an exception. SIGNAL允许您引发例外。
- The foolish prince raised an army against his father . 愚蠢的王子召募一支军队来对付他的父王。
- The foolish king raised an army against his elder brother. 这位糊涂国王招兵买马反抗他的哥哥。
- Raise 1000 skeletons Victory is assured if Markal can raise an army of numbers such as the world has never seen.The necromancer now has the means to accomplish his plan. 复活1000个骷髅兵如果马卡尔可以复活一支空前庞大的军队,那么胜利就指日可待了。这位亡灵巫师现在有的是手段来实现他的计划。
- The foolish prince raised an army against his father. 愚蠢的王子召募一支军队来对付他的父王。
- to raise an army 招募一支军队
- Accordingly, I find the opponent has failed to raise an issue over proprietorship under section 13(1). 异议人根据第13条1款对标记所有权的权利主张不能成立.
- Joan of Arc led a large army to raise the siege of Orleans in1429. 贞德在1429年率大军解除了英军对奥尔良的围攻。
- Sometimes I prefer to say nothing because to raise an objection, may cause an offence. 有时候,我更愿意保持缄默,因为一旦提出异议,势必会得罪他人。
- Obedience to order is very important in an army. 服从命令在军队中是很重要的。
- The Register control shows how to raise an event from the handler of a child control's event. Register控件演示如何从子控件事件的处理程序引发事件。
- A coward is a reproach to an army. 懦夫是军队的耻辱。
- Provides the Timer component, which allows you to raise an event on a specified interval. 提供允许以指定的间隔引发事件的Timer组件。
- You can use a SIGNAL statement to raise an error condition if the business rule defined in your trigger is violated. 如果违反了您在触发器中定义的业务规则,就可以使用SIGNAL语句来抛出一个错误条件信号。
- Juventus hope to raise an extra ??15 million from a mini-clearout at the end of this season. 尤文图斯希望赛季结束后清除一些边缘球员筹集到额外的1500万英镑.
- You receive word from a traveller that Heretic's have managed to summon demonic warriors and have raised an army! 您从旅行家那里得到消息异教徒正设法召唤恶魔战士来帮助他们的军队!
- Indicates or specifies whether unmapped source tables or columns are passed with their source names in order to be filtered or to raise an error. 指示或指定是否将未映射的源表或列与其源名一起传递以便筛选或引发错误。
- The director of a firm corresponds to the commander of an army. 公司的经理就等于是军队里的将军。
- Several companies gang up to raise prices. 几家大公司串通一气抬高物价。