- to produce sufficient food 生产足够的粮食
- When the beam is focused to a small spot, its power density is raised to produce sufficient heat to vaporize any material. 当光束在一个小点上聚焦时,其功率强度得以提高,并产生足够的热量来汽化任何材料。
- A central figure in the bail system is the professional bondsman, whose services are available twenty four hours a day to those who need to produce sufficient cash to be released. 保释制度的中心人物是职业保人,他们全天24小时向那些需要提供充足的现金以获释的人提供服务。
- There is sufficient food for everybody. 有足够的饭菜供大家吃。
- London's business leaders say skills shortages in the capital are getting worse, with the government's education and training reforms failing to produce sufficient skilled staff for their needs. 伦敦商界领袖们表示,首都的技术人才短缺现象正日益加重,政府的教育和培训改革未能提供充足的高技能员工,以满足它们的需求。
- They had sufficient food to sustain life. 他们有足够维持生命的食物。
- There's sufficient food to support the people. 有足够的食物供养人民。
- However, this failed to produce the desired result. 但这并没有产生预期的效果。
- Like causes tend to produce like results. 类似的原因往往产生类似的结果。
- Iron reacts with water and air to produce rust. 铁与水和空气起化学反应而生锈。
- Everything concurred to produce the desired effect. 所有的事凑合在一起产生了预期效果。
- Do we have sufficient food and water in stock? 我们有足够的现备食物和水吗?
- So is the use of food crops to produce biofuels. 因此,是利用粮食作物生产生物燃料。
- Petroleum can be used to produce various chemical products. 石油可用于生产多种化学产品。
- Wedohave sufficient food and drink. 我们确实有足够的事物和饮料。
- We do have sufficient food and drink. 我们确实有足够的事物和饮料。
- A drug that tends to produce euphoria. 欣快剂有助于导致欣快的一种药剂
- There was sufficient food for everybody. 之前有足够的食物给所有人吃。
- Everything concurred to produce a successful result. 所有的事都同时发生而产生了圆满的结果。
- He hopes to find the money to produce a film about Japan. 他希望筹集到资金以便拍一部关于日本的影片。