- I'd like to pay by cheque, please. 我想用支票支付。
- I want to pay it in cheque. I'd like to pay by cheque. 我想用支票付帐。
- This shop does not allow its customers to pay by cheque. 这家商店不允许顾客用支票付账。
- I want to be able to pay for things by cheque. 我希望能用支票偿付买东西的费用。
- If you have chosen to pay by cheque or bank deposit, you will receive our email invoice immediately after the registration. 若你选择本地支票或直接银行入帐,在域名注册后,会即时收到以电邮寄出的发票。
- I've no cash on me, can I pay by cheque? 我身边没现钱,能不能用支票?
- I've no cash on me,can I pay by cheque? 我身边没现钱,能不能用支票?
- I have no cash on me may I pay by cheque? 我没带现款--可以付支票吗?
- Occasional shippers can pay by cheque or cash. 偶然发件客户可以采用支票或现金方式支付。
- Will you pay by cheque or in cash? 您付支票还是现金?
- Don't most people pay by cheque? 大多数人不是用支票支付吗?
- "I'd like to pay by cheque, please." 我想用支票支付。
- How much do I owe you? Can I pay by cheque? 我欠多少钱?能用支票付款吗?
- I have no cash with me; may I pay by cheque? 我身边没带钱,可以付支票吗?
- I have no cash with me, may I pay by cheque? 我没有带现金,可以付支票吗?
- Are you going to pay by credit card ( cheque or cash)? 您是用信用卡(支票或现金)结帐吗?
- It is very convenient to pay by credit card. 用信用卡付款非常方便。
- Exduse me,but I've no cash on me. Can I pay by cheque? 对不起,我身边没带现钱,能不能用支票支付?
- Of course, you are also welcome to pay by check. 我们当然亦欢迎以支票结帐。
- The money will be paid by cheque. 这笔钱将用支票支付。