- Some steer by the position of the Sun. Others navigate by the stars. 有些动物借助太阳的位置辨别方向,有些则依靠星星。
- to navigate by the stars 根据星辰确定航向
- Others navigate by the stars. 有些则依靠星星。
- He has to learn to navigate by electronic instruments. 他得学会用电子仪器导航。
- He may need to be able to use the stars to navigate his ship. 他也许需要利用星星来给船只导航。
- The stars are obscured by the clouds. 星星在云层中很模糊。
- People used to steer by the stars. 过去人们常常参照星星的方位来驾驶。
- By the moom and the and the stars in the sky. 谨以明月星。
- Of my lust witnessed by the stars. 我欲望的目击者就是星星.
- These birds navigate by the sun. 这些鸟靠太阳确定方向。
- The ship was navigated by the North Star. 那只船靠北极星来导航。
- He could tell the points of compass by the stars. 他能通过看星星辨别方向。
- Use the D-Pad to navigate Joker through each level. 使用D衬垫通过每水平驾驶滑稽角色。
- She was possessed by the desire to be rich. 她被致富的欲望所支配。
- He could tell the points of the compass by the stars. 他可以利用星星判断方向。
- Which enables you to navigate to the target page. 该链接使您可以定位到目标页。
- Sailors can find their way around the world, going by the stars. 海员由天上的星星指路就可以在全世界航行。
- Click the page title to navigate between pages. 单击页面标题可以在页面间导航。
- Morocco had been for the past century at the intersection of the grand strategies of others, forcing its rulers to navigate by skill, shrewdness, and self-assurance. 在过去一个世纪里,摩洛哥一直处在其他国家战略意图的交叉点上,这就迫使统治者要设法巧妙地、机智而自信地掌好舵。
- Sailors can find their way around the world,going by the stars. 海员由天上的星星指路就可以在全世界航行。