- to miswrite the label 写错标签
- Attach the label to your luggage. 把标签贴(系)在你的行李上。
- He'll attach the label to your luggage. 他会把标签系在你的行李上。
- The label should be firmly affixed to the package. 这张标签应该牢牢地贴在包裹上。
- Why do you always miswrite the words? 留学解答资讯网:你怎么老写错字?
- Move the label to the center of the form. 将标签移动到窗体的中央。
- Was the label attached to my luggage? 标签固定在你的行李上了吗?
- Was the label attached to your luggage? 标签贴在你的行李上了吗?
- Dock the label control to the bottom of the form. 将标签控件放在窗体的底部。
- Chemist: According to the label, yes. 药剂师:根据标签上的说明,应该会吧。
- Is it quite impossible for you to use the label? 难道你们就不能使用这种商标吗?
- Don't forget to attach the label to your luggage. 别忘了把标签系在你的行李上。
- He attached the label to his trunk. 他给大皮箱系上标签。
- It says on the label 'Produce of France'. 标签上写着“法国出产”。
- She glued the label onto the box. 她把标签贴在箱子上。
- He' ll attach the label to your luggage. 他会把标签系在你的行李上。
- The washing instructions are on the label. 洗涤说明在标签上。
- The label wasn't attached to your luggage. 标签没有固定在你的行李上。
- So the label fills the entire control surface. 因此该标签将占据整个控件图面。
- U have no need to put the label on the gift boxes. 你们无需将标签贴在礼品盒上