- The thief suddenly began to itch all over and he began scratching, and then duck feathers grew out of his body. His whole body became covered with duck feathers. 那个小偷吃了偷来的鸭后,突然浑身上下奇痒无比,而且抓痒后,全身竟长出鸭毛来了!
- I have an itch for knowledge. I itch all over. 我全身发痒。
- Itch, Itch, Itch all over! Itch for the whole night! 痒啊痒,痒了一夜,浑身痒,睡不着!
- to itch all over 全身发痒
- The wild, prickly bushes they moved about and through made them itch all over. 钻进,穿出,草野得似火团,把身体炙得痒痒;
- What problem is itching all over? 全身都痒是什么问题呢?
- I itch all over. 我全身发痒。
- He did the work so badly that I had to do it all over again myself. 他干的太差劲了,我只好亲自重做。
- She had screwed up and had to do it all over again. 她把事情搞坏了,得重新做过。
- The child presented with generalised redness of the skin and itching all over his body. 这个孩子表现为全身皮肤发红和瘙痒。
- Two days after discharge the patient experienced intense itching all over the body, anxiety and severe insomnia. 出院两天后,患者出现全身明显瘙痒,焦虑和严重失眠。
- When infested you can experience severe itching all over the body, especially at night. 当你能体验蝗灾严重全身发痒,尤其是在夜间。
- Since the summer coming, my foot start to itch me! 只要夏天到,我的双脚又要开始骚我痒了!
- What medicine can treat anal Sao to itch? 有什么药能治疗肛门瘙痒吗?
- Why to itch it is good to catch? 为什么痒了抓一抓就好了?
- Ku Bai was itching all over and the medicine Yi Hong had brought along was ineffective.All they could do was douse him with cold water. 裤白全身麻痒,衣红所带的药物都无效,只得用冷水浇身。
- Jean felt her patience beginning to itch. 简感到她的耐心开始发痒。
- Patient: I've got a rash all over my body and it itches all the time, and I have some lumps on my arms. Can you give me anything for it? 病人:我浑身上下长满了疹子,整天痒得要命。手臂上还出现了结节。能帮我治一治吗?
- Does sex meeting bring about the skin to itch? 做爱会导致皮肤痒吗?
- Can rhinitis bring about an eye to itch? 鼻炎会导致眼睛痒吗?