- to give a room a facelift 翻修房间
- I had to give a speech to the press club. 我得向记者俱乐部发表演说。
- to give a room a quick vacuum 用吸尘器把房间迅速清扫一下
- She is asked to give a performance. 有人请她表演个节目。
- She is going to give a lecture on American Verse. 她要做一个关于美国诗歌的讲座。
- I've been invited to give a talk at the conference. 我已受邀在大会上发言。
- He has always been willing to give a hand to anyone who asked. 他总是愿意帮助任何有求于他的人。
- The town has recently been given a facelift. 该镇最近进行了整修。
- He tried to give a sympathetic ear to the patient. 他极力怀着同情心倾听患者的叙述。
- Brick walls give a room texture. 砖墙使房间看来很粗糙。
- To give a lower condition or station to; abase. 压低,降低为(别人)提供较低等的条件或状况;使降低地位或身份
- Who do you want to give a doll to tomorrow? 你明天想把玩具给谁?
- Who do you want to give a doll to her? 你想要谁送玩具给她?
- Now comes your turn to give a speech. 现在轮到你讲了。
- It'll do you good to give a rest. 休息一下对你会有好处的。
- They all rushed there to give a helping hand . 他们都赶去帮忙。
- To give a first or Christian name to; christen. 给某人起教名;受洗礼时起名
- We ought to give a lead in this direction. 我们应向这个方向引一引。
- He refused to give a Yyes or No answer. 他拒绝回答是或不是。
- You are not bound to give a tip to the waiter. 你不一定非给服务员小费不可。