- to encompass its destruction 促成它的毁灭
- The control grows or shrinks to encompass its contents. 控件增大或缩小以包含其内容。
- Fascism served only to hasten its destruction. 法西斯主义只是加速了它的毁灭。
- They built a moat to encompass the castle. 他们在城堡周围修了一条护城河。
- Another window proclaimed its destruction. 又有一扇窗户被打破了。
- Fascism cannot save capitalism, but only hastens its destruction. 法西斯主义救不了资本主义,而只会加快其灭亡。
- The priests think its destruction is a portent that the gods will soon return. 牧师们认为它的毁灭预示着神很快将会归来。
- By summer, spots will expand to encompass the entire dunes. 到了夏天,这些斑点扩大,将包围整个丘陵。
- Dr. Blix told this council that Iraq has provided little evidence to verify anthrax production and no convincing evidence of its destruction. 布利克斯博士曾经向安理会报告说,伊拉克几乎没有提供多少证实伊拉克生产炭疽细菌的证据,也没有提供什么令人信服的已经销毁这种细菌的证据。
- These ploys, they say, served to keep the details of a patent secret while allowing him to broaden its scope to encompass technologies invented and commercialized by others. 他们指出,这些手段使专利详细内容无法公开,同时让他得以扩大权利範围,将其他人所发明及商业化的技术给纳入。
- While this re-evaluation was at first limited to artistic work and even then, only to its most exalted examples, it came in time to encompass almost all occupations. 此种重新评价最初局限在艺术领域,即便在当时也只适于几位最杰出的艺术家,可后来几乎用在了所有职业上。
- The best preserved examples exist in Pompeii and reflect the street life of that city before its destruction. 在庞贝就保存着最好的实例,它们反映了这座城市在毁灭前的市井生活。
- It has to work in a larger system that is big enough to encompass the Internet. 它必须工作在较大的足够容纳因特网的系统中。
- They are not meant to encompass the operating characteristics of every center. 本文无意表述每一中心的营运特点。
- To regenerate data in storage units where the process of reading data results in its destruction. 重新恢复数据,即对存储单元中因读取数据而造成的数据破坏进行恢复。
- It's such a creative outlet to try to encompass all those moving parts. 这是一个多么有创造力的方法,来融合所有色之界运动着的元素。
- On financial regulation, transatlantic differences have narrowed, with America agreeing to broaden its scope to encompass institutions such as hedge funds. 在金融监管上,大西洋两岸的分歧在缩小,美国同意扩大其监管范围包括一些对冲基金等等金融机构。
- I especially remember the segment on the Library of Alexandria and how its destruction held back science for centuries. 我尤其记得亚历山大图书馆的那一段,它是如何被毁灭并使科学倒退了几个世纪。
- The cast of characters is so vivid and complex that they seem to encompass within their enthralling stories a portrait of a whole society, its history and its spirit. 本书对于人物进行了生动、复杂的刻画,通过这个精彩的故事来折射出整个社会的轮廓,历史形态以及它的活力。
- With its destruction, Carthaginian civilization fell into oblivion in the history. 迦太基则随着它的灭亡,文明也湮没于历史长河之中。