- to drift into a life of crime 陷入犯罪生涯
- He was tempted into a life of crime by greed and laziness. 他受贪婪和懒惰的驱使步入了罪恶的一生。
- Young boys are easily enticed into a life of crime. 青少年很容易被怂恿走上犯罪生涯。
- These school children are easily tempted into a life of crime. 这些小孩很容易被引诱走上犯罪的人生之路。
- He sweared not to steal any more, but relapsed into a life of crime. 他发过誓不再偷了,可不久又旧病复发,走上了犯罪道路。
- He swore that he would not steal again, but soon replased into a life of crime. 他发过誓不再偷了,可不久又旧病复发,走上了犯罪道路。
- But, after injury put paid to his sporting career, he slowly began to show signs of mental illness, and drifted into a life of petty crime and misdemeanour. 大众文化不再万夫莫故,小众文化也将有越来越多的拥护者。
- He swore that he would never steal again, but soon relaspsed into a life of crime. 他发过誓不再偷了,可不久又旧病复发,走上了犯罪道路。
- He swore that he would never steal again, but soon relapsed into a life of crime. 他发过誓不再偷了,可不久又旧病复发,走上了犯罪道路。
- He swore that he would not steal again,but soon he slapsed into a life of crime. 他发过誓不再偷了,可不久又旧病复发,走上了犯罪道路。
- his descent into a life of crime 他沦落到靠犯罪为生
- In Barbet Schroeder's gritty thriller, David Caruso is an ex-con who's lured back into a life of crime for one last heist.When a detective (Samuel L. 占米是假释中的犯人,受亲友之累在一次犯罪行动中被捕,刑期中他的妻子不幸因车祸丧生,使他深感对家人的歉疚,决定与警方合作,潜入犯罪组织中做卧底,提供线索以换取自由之身,与家人团聚。
- Ginglen, a father of four from Lewistown, once served as a village trustee, zoning board chairman, auxiliary police officer and firefighter.But he descended into a life of crime after losing two jobs. 金格伦有四个子女;住在路易斯镇;曾经做过乡村受托人;分区懂事主席;辅警警官和消防队员.;但是;在他接连丢掉两个工作后他开始犯罪堕落
- "They tend to drift into work subcultures. “他们倾向于流入工作的亚文化领域。
- youngsters drawn into a life of crime 身不由己卷入犯罪活动的年轻人
- As a matter of fact, he was allowing himself to drift into a physical state in which even a slight malady might prove dangerous. 而事实上,他却把自己糟蹋成为一种极坏的体质,即使有一点小毛病也要发生危险了。
- One's descent into a life of crime 堕落而过犯罪的生活
- teenagers who are sucked into a life of crime. 被牵进了犯罪生涯的青少年
- He is tempt Into a life of crime by greed and laziness 他受贪婪和懒惰的驱使步入了罪恶的一生
- My mind would drift into a fantasy. 我的思绪就会陷入幻想。