- To convert to the customs of Western civilization. 使西化使转变为西方文明的风俗习惯
- To convert to or make use of automation. 使变为或利用自动化
- To convert to Communist principles or control. 使共产化转变到共产主义原则或控制
- To convert to civilian operation or control. 民治化转为平民运作或平民控制
- String to convert to upper case. 要转换为大写的字符串。
- He wants to convert to Catholicism. 他要皈依天主教。
- To convert to a mineral substance;petrify. 使成矿使转化为矿物质;使石化
- To convert to a mineral substance; petrify. 使成矿使转化为矿物质;使石化
- To convert to the use of containerized cargo. 集装箱化转变成用集装箱装运货物
- Which indenting method do you want to convert to? 31希望转化为何种缩进方式?
- to convert to sth [person+] 改为信仰某物
- Select the text whose white space you want to convert to tabs. 选择要将其空白空格转换成制表符的文本。
- The most common type to convert to and from is a string object. 最常用的进行转换的类型是字符串对象。
- To convert or be converted to Catholicism. 使信仰天主教转变为或被转变为天主教信条
- The group name to convert to the corresponding group number. 要转换为相应组号的组名。
- The group number to convert to the corresponding group name. 要转换为相应组名的组号。
- There is no need to convert to WAV and your CD is burned directly. 不需要转换为 WAV 格式而是直接刻录你的 CD 光盘。
- This new video tape from Al-Quida invites Americans to convert to Islam. 基地组织的这盘新录像带怂恿美国人改信伊斯兰教。
- She decided to convert from Judaism. 她决定不再信犹太教。
- Take sb's hand and clasp it when agreeing to sth. 紧握某人的手表示同意某事物。