- Our program is about to come to an end. 节目结束的时间快到了。
- The dance is about to come to an end. 原来是这样的。舞蹈快要结束了。
- Happy Message to come to an end. 快乐留言的时间就差不多了。
- This happy state must not be allowed to come to an end. 这种愉快的状况,必须继续保持下去。
- Having read Lizi Qing Dr Sylvia Hui Marshall feels a sense of regret that the series had to come to an end. 马绍尔医生看完了《荔子情》,对其结束感到几许遗憾。
- It's a great feast,but you're always aware that it's finite,it has to come to an end. 每一首波尔卡都是一个大宴。但是你总是可以意识到曲终人散的信息。
- An offer may be so expressed as to come to an end on the occurence of a condition. 一个要约可以明确地表示在条件或就时走向终结。
- The good news for the doubters is that his streak is set to come to an end this year. 米勒的成功之路从今年开始滑向终点,这对那些对米勒抱怀疑态度的人来说是个好消息。
- The army was disbanded when the war came to an end. 战争结束时,军队即被解散。
- Unfortunately it had to come to an end in January of 1999 as I had to return to finish my bachelor’s degree at UVM. 遗憾的是,在1999年1月,我不得不返回美国完成我的学士学位,使教学告一段落。
- His family holidays about to come to an end, Fran will soon head back to London, Arsenal and his English classes. 他的家庭假日差不到要结束了,弗兰很快将回到伦敦,回到阿森纳,回到他的英语课堂上。
- Rosie My life seemed to come to an end tow years ago.I lostmy jop.Then I weight,and lookedterrible. 我的生活在两年前似乎要走到尽头,我丢了工作。
- The play came to an end after all. 这场戏总算结束了。
- The Mexicans also practised a similar purification at the end of every fifty-two years, in the belief that it was time for the world to come to an end. 墨西哥人每过五十二年也要举行一次净化典礼,他们相信世界五十二年结束一次。
- At last the meeting came to an end. 会议终於结束了。
- The meeting came to an end at last. 会议终於结束了。
- According to ancient beliefs, the last Pachakutic began with the invasion of the Spanish conquistadores 500 years ago and is due to come to an end about now. 根据古老的信条,最后一次“帕查库提克”开始于500年前西班牙入侵的时候,时至今日是应该结束了。
- Publicly held debt will climb from 41% of GDP last year to 54% next year, the CBO predicts, then decline (on the assumption that the recession will start to come to an end). 据CBO预计,公开债务将会从去年GDP的41%25上升到明年的54%25,随后有所回落(预测届时萧条局面即将结束)。
- Flowers fade when they come to an end. 花儿开过就凋谢了。
- When we moved up,the battle had come to an end. 我们开上去的时候,战斗已经结束。