- to cleave through the waves 劈波斩浪
- The luxurious liner is cleaving through the waves. 这艘豪华的邮轮正在破浪前进。
- If you are looking high, this momentum will see the great, singular unique cleave through the waves are big ships, set sail, which city has won a reputation: “The Peak of a ship. 如果你登高远望,会看见这只气势宏伟、奇异独特的大船正劈波斩浪,扬帆启航,因而罗城又赢得了一个美称:“山顶一只船。”
- She was coming out of Marseilles harbor, and was standing out to sea rapidly, her sharp prow cleaving through the waves. 它从马赛港出发向海外疾驶,它那尖尖的船头正破浪而来。“啊
- Aiming at the established objectives and putting into high gear, Jingcheng people are cleaving through the waves to the far end when appreciating the immense scenery on their way. 瞄准既定的目标,开足强劲的马力,景程人在欣赏着无比壮阔的海景的同时,驾着“景程号”劈波斩浪,驶向远方。
- The ship buffeted her way through the waves. 这只船乘风破浪前进。
- The torpedo boat sheared through the waves. 鱼雷快艇破浪前进。
- The boat knifed through the waves. 船只破浪前进
- Among socialists,whose presumed aim is to cleave through falsehoods and confront truths, this ought to be understood far better than it is. 社会主义者的目的应是透过假象,面向真理。 他们对此问题的理解应该深刻得多。
- The speeding boat sliced through the waves. 快艇破浪前进。
- The ship cut her way through the waves. 船破浪前进。
- A coast guard boat put out through the waves. 一艘海岸巡逻舰破浪驶离海岸。
- The ship forged ahead through the waves. 那只船破浪前进。
- The ship slipped through the waves. 那艘船破浪前行。
- The ship buffeted through the waves. 那艘船在劈浪前进。
- The freighter carrying pig iron is cleaving through the water. 装着生铁的货船正在破浪前进。
- He thumbed through the directory to look for her number. 他翻阅电话号码簿找寻她的号码。
- The river flows through the city from east to west. 这条河从东到西贯穿这座城市。
- Force yourself through the wave. 强迫自己穿过波浪。
- They are digging through the hill to make a tunnel. 他们正在凿山建一条隧道。