- to calculate by the day 论日计
- Time periods shall be calculated by the hour, the day and the month. 第七十九条期间以时、日、月计算。
- Time periods shall be calculated by the hour, the day, the month and the year. 期间以时、日、月、年计算。
- He used to let out cars by the day. 他惯常按日出租汽车。
- That constraint seems to be diminishing by the day. 现在看来,这种抑制也开始每况愈下了。
- Prices in Swiss francs, exchange rate 1.58, when paying in Euros, the price is calculated by the day's exchange rate. 价格以瑞士法郎为准,以欧元支付时,价格按照当日汇率计算。
- I did the calculation by the rule of three. 我是根据比例运算法则计算出来的。
- A bicycle can be hired by the hour or by the day. 自行车可按小时或天数计费租借使用。
- He used to let out horses by the day . 他以前常按日出租马。
- The transport cost of a server is calculated by the Exchange Server 2003 routing engine and is normally used to calculate the most efficient way to deliver a message. 服务器的传输开销是由Exchange Server 2003路由引擎计算的,通常用于计算最有效的邮件传递途径。
- Do you rent a car by the hour or by the day? 你们出租汽车是按小时还是按天算?
- It was cloudy; and the captain had to calculate our position by dead reckoning. 空中阴云密布,船长不得不用罗盘测航法以确定我们的位置。
- He used to let out horses by the day. 他以前常按日出租马。
- Bicycle can be hired by the hour or by the day. 自行车可按小时或天数计费租借使用。
- Last year wealth rose by 16% to a record --4,267 billion, according to calculations by the investment bank Salomon Smith Barney. 根据萨洛蒙·史密斯·巴尼投资银行的计算,去年的财富增长了16%25,达到创纪录的42670亿英镑。
- By the end of the day we were tired but happy. 一天结束时,我们很累,但很高兴。
- They are paid not by the day but by the month. 他们是按月而不是按天计酬的。
- Labor hired and paid by the day. 临时工:按天雇佣且付钱的工人。
- By the end of the day she was worn out. 一天下来,她筋疲力尽。
- The want ads seemed scantier by the day. 招聘广告似乎逐日减少。