- No one may be compelled to belong to an association. 任何人不得迫使隶属于某一团体。
- to belong to an organization 为一个组织的成员
- A job searcher using this method usually belongs to an organization or institute that has a tie with an employer. 使用这种求职方式的人通常隶属于某个组织或机构,而该组织或机构同用人单位具有某种联系。
- It does not seem to belong to you to dictate to your comrades. 你似乎不该对你的同志们发号施令。
- Shouldn't it belong to an underdeveloped society? 那不是属于未开化社会的东西麽?
- He belonged to an organized fellowship that circulates a devotional literary criticism. 他参加了一个发表文学评论的团体。
- It is embargo to belong to the work of art. 属艺术品,是禁止出口的。
- They are proud to belong to such a fine team. 他们对于隶属于这么好的一个队感到光荣。
- The invention relates to an organic acid herbicides combination, which belongs to pesticides technology field. 一种有机酸除草剂组合物,属于农药技术领域。
- I used to belong to a youth club. 我曾经参加过一个青年俱乐部.
- Ben is rumored to belong to the third sex. 谣传本是同性恋者。
- Actually, lucky to belong to passivism also. 恶事犹如他事亦有积极的一面,其存在也常常使人感觉到。
- Displacementof an organ or other body part to an abnormal location. 异位某一器官或其它身体部位位移到不正常的位置。
- I used to belong to a den as a Cub Scout. 我曾作为一名童子军参加过幼年童子军队。
- The company formerly belonged to an international banking group. 该公司以前隶属于一个国际银行集团。
- Displacement of an organ or other body part to an abnormal location. 异位某一器官或其它身体部位位移到不正常的位置
- A closed network based on Internet protocols belonging to an organization, usually a corporation, accessible only by the organization's members, employees or others with authorization. 基于互联网协定,属于一个机构,通常为一个企业的封闭型网络,只有该机构成员、员工或其他获准人士可进入。
- I wonder why turkey seems to belong to Thanksgiving? 我纳闷为什么火鸡总是和感恩节连在一起呢?
- Does harelip do an operation to belong to orthopaedic? ? ? ? 唇裂做手术属于矫形吗????
- Is laser sheds an operation to belong to dermatological department? 激光脱毛手术是属于皮肤科么?