- They had to beg alms (of others) in order to feed their children. 他们得(向别人)乞求救济来养活孩子。
- They had to beg alms in order to feed their children. 他们得乞求救济来养活孩子.
- They had to beg alms(of others)in order to feed their children. 他们得(向别人)乞求救济来养活孩子.
- He thinks it's a shame to beg others for alms. 他认为向他人乞求救济是耻辱。
- to beg one's bread; to beg alms; to be a beggar 行乞
- The vagrant had to beg for money. 那个流浪汉不得不乞求钱财。
- They had to beg alms (of others) in order to feed their children 他们得(向别人)乞求救济来养活孩子.
- Father told Tom to rake the yard, but Tom tried to beg off. 父亲要求汤姆清扫庭院,但他却要求放了他。
- I'll give him a good scolding and bring him over to beg pardon. 我要狠狠教训他一顿,并要他过来求饶。
- Your answer seems to beg the real question. 你的回答似乎避开了问题之所在。
- The boys hailed passing cars to beg a ride. 这些男孩向过往的汽车呼叫恳求乘车。
- The phrase means to beg, to ask for a handout. 这个说法的意思是乞求或请求别人施舍。
- Tom taught his small dog to beg. 汤姆教他的小狗举起前脚做乞求状。
- The one-legged beggar begins to beg eggs illegally. 独腿乞丐开始非法讨蛋。
- The boys hailed passing cars to beg a ride . 这些男孩向过往的汽车呼叫恳求乘车。
- They were reduced to begging or starving. 他们穷得不行乞便挨饿。
- to beg alms 乞求施舍物
- He was so poor that he had to beg his bread . 他非常穷,不得不乞食。
- The imperialists reckon that eventually we will beg alms from them in order to live. 帝国主义者估计我们终久会要向他们讨乞才能活下去。
- He was too lazy to work and too proud to beg . 他懒于工作,又不屑乞讨。