- Be in on sth.: Means to be a part of sth. 参加、参与某事。
- Chronic fear of abandonment and panic when forced to be alone. 长期的离弃恐惧感和当迫于孤独时的痛苦感。
- Nothing is to be feared but fear. 恐惧来自心理恐惧。
- She asked us not to be noisy for fear of waking the baby. 她要我们别吵闹,惟恐吵醒婴儿。
- The unknown is always something to be feared. 未知的东西总是一种令人害怕的东西。
- Nothing in life is to be feared but understood. 生命中没有什么值得惧怕,只需了解。
- Nothing in life is to be feared. 人生没有可怕的东西,只是需要理解。
- If you're fearful, you'll find something to be fearful about. 如果你感到害怕,你就能找到害怕的理由。
- Doctor is often more to be feared than the disease. 庸医比疾病更可怕。
- Samantha : Do people have good reason to be fearful? 萨蔓莎:人们的担心有道理吗?
- Nothing is to be feared bue fear.---Francis. 除了害怕本身,没有什么东西值得害怕。
- He likes to be sure of his bodily comforts. 他注重身体上的舒适。
- Most of us, it is to be feared, face either east or west. 译文:恐怕,我们中的大多数人不是朝东,就是朝西。
- A mediocre successor and a man not to be feared too greatly. 他不过是一个平平庸庸的继承人而已,一个不足以大惊小怪的人物。
- They are to be feared even though they offer gifts. 甚至他们来呈献礼物,他们也是可怕的。
- I have every reason to be confident of our victory. 我有充分的理由坚信胜利是属于我们的。
- The place used to be a stretch of barren land. 早先这里是一片不毛之地。
- This piece of glass seems to be part of a lamp. 这片玻璃似乎是一盏灯的一部分。
- I do not want to be in the boss line of fire today. 今天我不想遭到老板的非难。
- The locals tend to be suspicious of strangers. 当地人对陌生人往往有戒心。