- He tried to banish gloom from his thought. 他试图驱除心中的忧愁。
- His assuring words helped to banish my fear. 他的安慰话帮我排除了恐惧。
- The doctor advised her to banish fear and anxiety . 医生劝她消除恐惧和忧虑。
- The doctor advised her to banish fear and anxiety. 医生劝她消除恐惧和忧虑。
- He decided to banish the thought. 他决定忘却这种想法。
- He tried to banish gloomfrom his thought. 他试图驱除心中的忧愁。
- Enough faith to banish depression. 足够的信念驱除沮丧。
- His assuring words helped to banish my fear . 他的安慰话帮我排除了恐惧。
- He decided to banish the thought . 他决定忘却这种想法。
- To banish by ostracism, as in ancient Greece. 放逐(在古希腊)通过陶片放逐制度加以放逐
- to banish cares 消除烦恼
- He tried to banish his thoughts of suicide. 他试图消除自己自杀的念头。
- Do you really care for me enough, then to banish those chill fancies? 那么,你真是那么关心我,足以驱除那些吓人的幻景吗?
- Switched on a table lamp to banish the gloom of a winter afternoon. 打开台灯来赶走冬天傍晚的昏暗
- Switched on a table lamp to banish the gloom of a winter evening. 打开台灯来赶走冬天傍晚的昏暗。
- To banish worry, doubt, and fear, to love and laugh and give! 让我们驱逐忧虑,疑惑和恐惧,全身心地去爱,去欢笑和给予!
- His lies caused his wife to banish him from the house. 他因说谎而被老婆驱逐出家门。
- You can do it this way if you care to. 如果你乐意的话,可以这样做。
- He wanted to banish this business from his mind, yet it obsessed him. 那点别扭劲儿又忽然回来了。 不愿再思索,可是心中堵得慌。
- It seemed to be her mission to care for her brother's children. 照顾她兄弟的孩子似乎成了她一生的使命。