- Doctor : Your legs were injured so badly that we had to amputate both of them. 医生:你的双腿伤的太厉害我们已经把他们切除了.
- to amputate both of them. 医生:你的腿伤的很重,必须截肢。
- Doctor : Your legs were injured so badly that we hadto amputate both of them. 医生:你的双腿受伤严重,我们必须把它们切除。
- It's a pity the two concerts clash; I wanted to go to both of them. 真可惜两个音乐会时间上有冲突,我本来想两个都去。
- Both of them have to got a cloth in the wind. 他们俩都有点醉。
- Both of them were invited to the opening ceremony. 两人都被邀参加开幕式。
- I am not going to visit both of them. 他们两人我不都拜访。
- Both of them are nuts about chamber music. 他们两人都喜欢室内音乐。
- Both of them lay there back to back. 他们俩背对背而卧。
- I must be cunning enough to eat up both of them. 我一定得想个好法子,把他们两个都吃掉。
- Both of them have been to Beijing. 他们俩都去过北京。
- Muo Gao wants to get rid of both of them? 莫高想要摆脱他们两个?;狂汗其他的我全看不懂....
- Both of them come to ask my help. 他们开始找我帮忙解决疑问/问题.
- The bad news is that your were in a very serious accident, and I'm afraid we had to amputate both your feet just above the ankle. 坏消息是你的车祸十分严重,恐怕要从膝盖切除双脚。
- Both of them felt that they had become very intimate. 他俩都感到他们已经相当亲密了。
- Both of them like popular songs. 他们两人都喜欢流行歌曲。
- I am sure you can lick both of them. 我深信,你能打败他们俩。
- Zeus saw this and felt very sorry for both of them. 宙斯目睹此情此景,对他们母子感到很抱歉。
- Her leg was so badly damaged that the doctors had to amputate. 她的那条腿伤得很厉害,医师只得将其截除。
- Both of them are concerned with the case. 他们二人都涉嫌那个案子。