- The office, rank, or title of a duke. 公爵的官职、级别或头衔
- The position or title of a winner. 冠军冠军的身份或头衔
- Gets or sets the title of a part control. 获取或设置部件控件的标题。
- Championship n.The position or title of a winner. 冠军称号;锦标赛。
- The office,rank,or title of a duke. 公爵的官职、级别或头衔
- On National Name and Title of a State 论国名与国号
- Insignia, as of a state, an official, a family, or an organization. (如国家,官员,家庭或组织的)徽章
- He is honoured with the title of a model teacher. 他被授予模范教师的称号。
- It was something on the order of a state park. 它是与州立公园相类似的场所。
- The right or power of a state to enforce the law. 司法权国家执行法律的权力
- Who is the chief executive of a state government? 谁是州政府的主要行政首长?
- The people are the foundation of a state. 民者,国之根本也。
- You can restrict your search to the title of a document. 您可以将搜寻限制在一份文件的标题。
- The finals of a state spelling bee. 全国拼字大赛决赛
- What is the Best Way to Mark up the Title of a Document? 定义标题的最好方法?
- The flag of a nation,a state,or an army. 国旗、州旗或军旗。
- The title of a window in the task bar has been redrawn. 任务栏中的窗口标题被重绘了。
- The flag of a nation, a state, or an army. 国旗、州旗或军旗。
- A recent article in a weekly newspaper, was headed with a striking caption of a lady in a state of considerable distress. 最近一份周报登了一篇文章,文章开头是一幅醒目的解说词,其中是一位愁容满面的女士。
- Henry turned a page or two and the title of a poem caught his eye. 亨利随便翻了一两页,一首诗的标题引起了他的注意。