- The workability and compressive strength of concrete containing super-fine limestone powder and titanium slag powder were studied. 研究了超细石灰石粉单掺及其与钛矿渣粉复掺对混凝土工作性能及抗压强度的影响。
- Study of Super High Strength Concrete Containing Super-fine Limestone Powder and Titanium Slag Powder 掺超细石灰石粉和钛矿渣粉超高强混凝土研究
- titanium slag powder 钛矿渣粉
- KGF powder is a complex mineral superfine powder made by grinding the mixs of slag, silica fume and titanium slag in certain proportion. 摘要KGF粉是以矿渣、硅灰和钛矿渣等多种材料按一定比例混磨而成的一种复合矿物超细粉。
- Pak Nai powder, clay, fire-proof material, slag powder processing tanks. 白泥粉,粘土,耐火材料,缸渣粉加工。
- The TDC of cement paste or mortar increases with mixing slag powder. 随着矿渣的掺入,水泥浆体线膨胀系数有增大的趋势;
- Encourage development of polysilicon and further of SPV materials and matching new energy storage cell, aerolite, high titanium slag, titanium sponge and titanium materials. 鼓励发展多晶硅并延伸至太阳能光伏材料以及配套的蓄能新型电池、航空铝等铝制品深加工系列、高钛渣、海绵钛及钛材等金属合金及材料。
- Acidsoluble titanium slag was not suitable production of titanium pigment using chloride process because of high content of calcium and magnesium. 概述了用碱氯化法处理高浓度废弃氰化物的试验过程及试验条件,并对结果进行分析。
- The authors introduce the related theories on silt reinforced with slag powder first. 摘要提出了矿渣粉加固粉土的相关理论。
- The impact on the pozzolanic effect by the fineness of superfine slag powder is changed with content. 掺量不同,火山灰效应受矿渣微粉细度的影响也不同。
- Titanium pigment, electric welding bar and titanium sponge are made from raw materials which are rich in titanium such as synthetic rutile and titanium slag etc. 人造金红石高钛渣、天然金红石等富钛料是生产钛白粉电焊条和海绵钛的原料。
- In this paper,ferromanganese slag and ore slag powder are used to produce ecolcement. 锰铁合金渣具有潜在的水硬性和火山灰性,可用作混凝土掺合料和水泥混合材料。
- After analyzing high content of titanium slag in the world, the ways of producing high content of titanium slag by using Panzhihua ilmenite are studied. 探讨了从攀枝花钛精矿制取高品位氯化钛渣的几条途径的可行性和适应性。
- The most effective ingredients for making up high performance concrete are super-plasticizing agent,fly ash or slag powder,silicon powder. 配制高性能混凝土最有效的几种组分是超塑化剂、粉煤灰或矿渣、硅粉。
- The study tries to divide enhancement effect into chemical effect and physical effect and recurs to inertial material to replace superfine slag powder. 本研究借助磨细惰性掺料等量替代矿渣微粉试图将矿渣微粉的增强效应分解为化学效应和物理效应。
- It tests the effects of micro-aggregates,such as slag powder,fly ash,limestone powder and powder in kiln,to cement chroma. 试验了在水泥中掺入矿渣粉、粉煤灰、石灰石粉和窑灰等微集料对水泥色度的影响。
- The effect of converter steel slag powder(CSSP),on the shrinkage characteristic of hardened GGBFS-PC mixed mortar is studied. 转炉钢渣中的磷是影响钢渣在钢铁企业内部循环的主要因素之一。
- Using carburizing agent and devulcanized agent,experiment of carburisation and desulphuration for semisteel which in smelting high titanium slag by electric cooker has been studied. 用增碳剂和脱硫剂对冶炼高钛渣副产半钢进行了增碳脱硫试验研究。
- According to the difference of acid dissolved titanium slag and ilmenite, the laboratory experiments of preparing titanium white from acid dissolved titanium slag were carried out. 鉴于酸溶性钛渣与钛精矿有较大差异,采用攀枝花钛精矿和云南钛精矿冶炼的酸溶性钛渣作为试验原料,通过实验室试验,初步确定了酸溶性钛渣的最佳酸解和水解工艺。