- tine history analysis 时程分析
- The inelastic response history analysis of mega trussed tube structure under strong motion earthquake is carried out. 大型支撑框筒结构是巨型桁架体系的主要形式之一。
- Subsidence history analysis becomes an important technology now in basin analysis. 沉降史分析目前已成为盆地分析中的重要技术。
- In the example of Nimu Bridge, a FEM model of 3D beams is established by beam grid method, and mode analysis and time history analysis have been done. 以尼木大桥为例,采用梁格法建立了空间梁单元有限元模型,进行了模态分析和动力时程分析。
- A time history analysis method for calculating the dynamic stability safety factor of high rock slope under excavation blasting is proposed. 提出一种计算岩质高边坡爆破开挖情况下动力稳定性安全系数的时程分析方法。
- Defoe"s novels as a part of the 18th century novels have been taking an important subject in the literary history analysis. 笛福的小说作为18世纪英国小说的组成部分一直是文学史研究中的一个重要课题。
- Lastly, ANSYS was employed to complete the time history analysis.The results of the time history analysis had cormfirmed the pushover analysis. 最后,利用有限元软件ANSYS对相同的半刚性连接钢框架进行动力时程分析,将分析结果与推覆分析结果进行比较。
- To evaluate the nicety and reliability of POA method, the author compares the POA with inelastic time history analysis through case study. 作者通过算例分析,对推倒分析法与非线性时程分析法进行了比较,以评估推倒分析法的准确度及可靠性。
- Based on non-proportional damping theory,complex model time history analysis of viscoelastic damper structure and evaluation method for seismic reducing effect were established. 基于非比例阻尼理论,建立了粘弹性阻尼器结构复模态时程分析及减震效果的评价方法。
- Then the model of series spring is used to estimate the isolator parameters and the method of nonlinear dynamic history analysis is used for detail design. 随之,建立串联弹簧模型理论用于初步确定隔震垫参数,再使用非线性动力时程分析法进行详细设计。
- The comedy tine was cut out as being off side. 笑料由于低级趣味而被删去。
- In the second step, aimed at the detail design of the project, the time history analysis is adopted for determining superstructure, foundation and base isolation device. 在施工图设计阶段,采用时程分析方法对隔震层进行设计计算,为上部结构和基础设计及隔震装置的选用提供依据。
- Is it a part- tine job you are after? 你要找的是不是非全日性的工作?
- These include Darwin's evolution by natural selection, Hamilton's inclusive fitness theory, Trivers' parental investment theory, as well as game theory, life history analysis, and niche construction theory. 该文内容包括,Darwin 的自然选择理论,Hamilton 的种系适宜理论与 Trivers 的父母投资理论,也包括博弈理论、生活史理论与生态位建构理论。
- She crammed for her history exam. 她死记硬背以应付历史考试。
- The study, with the methods of documentary analysis, history analysis, factor analysis and comparison analysis, tries to reveal the law of American Indian higher education in reservations through its history. 本文综合运用文献分析法、历史分析法、因素分析法和对比分析法等多种研究方法,试图通过对印第安保留地高等教育发展历程的研究,揭示出印第安保留地高等教育中存在的一些规律性问题,并从现状出发,以部落学院为例研究印第安保留地高等教育的现实特征,为丰富和发展少数民族高等高等教育做一些基础性研究。
- Three kinds of such hybrid schemes of MRD and LRB were thus proposed with dynamic analysis set up. A kinetic differential equation was derived and a dynamic time history analysis was made. 因此提出3种MRD与LRB隔震混合方案;建立了MRD与LRB隔震混合结构的动力分析模型;推导出运动微分方程;对其进行时程反应分析.
- Mr Jones has a long history of heart trouble. 琼斯先生有长期的心脏病史。
- The novel unrolls the history of a certain woman. 那本小说揭露了某个女子的过去。
- Stop playing about with those girls, you can't afford to waste any more tine. 别在同那些女孩子瞎混了,你可再不能浪费时间了。