- tinctura gentianae composita 复方龙胆酊
- tinctera gentianae composita 复方龙胆酊
- tinctura gentianae 龙胆酊
- Gentiana crassicaulis Duthie ex Burk. 粗茎秦艽
- Gentiana fetissowi Regel et Winkl. [医] 费氏秦艽
- Gentiana regescens Franch.var.stictantha Marq. 点花滇龙胆
- Chemical Consitituents of Gentiana apiata N.E. Br. 秦岭龙胆的化学成分。
- Gentiana amoena C. B. Clarke var. major Burkill. 克拉克变种陆军少校伯基尔。
- tinctura chloroformi et morphinae composita 复方氯仿吗啡酊
- Aim To study the extracting technology of Gentianae. 摘要目的:研究龙胆提取工艺,优选最佳工艺条件。
- METHODS To Prepare Piyan Tinctura by the Special Prescription and technology. 方法通过特定的处方和工艺制备皮炎酊。
- OBJECTIVE To study the Preperation and quality control of piyan tinctura. 目的研究皮炎酊的制备及质量控制。
- The chemical consitituents of Gentiana apiata N.E.Br. 秦岭龙胆的化学成分研究。
- Study on the chemical constituent of Gentiana scabra Bge. 龙胆的化学成分研究。
- Chinese herbal medicines have Notopterygium wild, such as Gentiana. 野生中药材有羌活、秦艽等。
- Study of the genus Gentiana L. section Aptera Kusuez in China. 中国龙胆属秦艽组的分类研究.
- OBJECTIVE To study on antibacterial action of mistura Yanyan composita in vitro. 目的:研究咽炎浓煎剂的体外抗菌作用。
- Callus Induction and Plantlet Re generation of Gentiana straminea Maxim. 藏药麻花艽愈伤组织的诱导及植株再生。
- Chinese herbal medicines have Notopterygium, Gentiana, such as rhubarb. 中药材有羌活、秦艽、大黄等。
- Objective To establish a HPLC method for the content determination of amidopyrinum and antipyrinum in Injection Amidipyrini Composita. 目的建立高效液相色谱法测定复方氨基比林注射液中氨基比林和安替比林的含量。