- The quality or state of being diffident; timidity or shyness. 缺乏自信; 胆怯缺乏自信的性质或状态; 胆小的或羞怯的
- Extreme timidity or shyness are serious faults. 过度胆小或羞怯属于严重缺陷。
- The quality or state of being diffident;timidity or shyness. 缺乏自信;胆怯缺乏自信的性质或状态;胆小的或羞怯的
- Is his distance a result of snobbery or shyness? 他态度冷淡是因为他势利眼呢,还是因为他腼腆?
- Shyness, timidity or nervousness should be penalized. 羞怯、胆小或神经质都属于缺陷。
- Viciousness or shyness is undesirable. 凶恶或羞怯都属于缺陷。
- To draw back or shy away, as from fear;flinch. 畏缩由于害怕等退缩或畏缩;退缩
- To draw back or shy away, as from fear; flinch. 畏缩由于害怕等退缩或畏缩;退缩
- timidity or shyness. 胆怯缺乏自信的性质或状态;
- To draw back or shy away,as from fear;flinch. 畏缩由于害怕等退缩或畏缩;退缩
- A man through great timidity or sloth often turns a molehill into a mountain. 一个人出极端害怕或懒惰往往会小题大做。
- Would your strokes be tremblingly timid or brilliantly bold? 你的落笔会是颤抖胆怯的,还是鲜明果敢的?
- Would you strokes be tremblingly timid or brilliantly bold? 你落笔时会颤抖胆怯,还是敏锐果敢?
- Would your strokes be tremblingly timid or brlliantly bold? 你的落笔会是颤抖胆怯的还是鲜明果敢的?
- They are loud or quiet, funny or severe, tough or gentle, boisterous or shy. 他们有些喜欢大声讲话,有些喜欢窃窃私语;有些风趣幽默,有些严肃古板;有些野蛮粗暴,有些温文儒雅;有些外向喧闹,有些内向羞涩。
- This conversation may have two different interpretations according as X is timid or aggressive. 这段对话可以有两种不同的解释,这要看X是胆怯的还是进取的。
- A specimen exhibiting an overly aggressive attitude, or shyness, should be penalized. 在比赛中,过度的攻击性和胆怯都属于缺陷。
- She regarded the brothers innocently with bright sparkling eyes, quite free of any timidity or hesitation. 她闪动着两只明亮的眼睛天真地看他们。
- Would you strokes be tremblingly timid or brilliantly bold? Fancy with a flourish or plain? 你的落笔会是颤抖胆怯的,还是鲜明果断的?你的想象会是丰富的还是贫乏的?
- Don't feel embarrassed or shy about protecting your personal safety. If you don't, who will? 保护你自己人身安全时,不要感到尴尬或害羞。你不保护自己,谁来保护你?