- Compiling a dictionary costs much time and patience. 编纂词典要用很多的时间,要有极大的耐心。
- It takes time and patience to photograph wildlife. 拍摄野生动物要肯花时间,要有毅力。
- All human power is a compound of time and patience. 人类的力量即是时间和耐心的合成。
- Thanks for your valuable time and patience! 感谢您宝贵的时间及耐心!
- Compiling a dictionary costs much time and patience . 编一部词典要花许多时间和耐性。
- Mastering a second language takes time and patience. 掌握一门外语需要时间和耐心。
- To read this book through will require time and patience. 读完这本书需要时间与耐心。
- With time and patience the leaf of the mulberry becomes satin. 只要工夫深,铁杵磨成针。
- I really appreciate your time and patience for my beautiful blouses. 我十分感谢你为我漂亮的罩衫所花费的时间和耐心。
- It took time and patience for Willie's situation to improve, but it did. 要改善生活,威利当然需要付出时间和毅力,但他终于成功了。
- Exiting a real estate investment often requires time and patience,particularly so in a less favourable environment. 从房地产投资中退出是需要时间和耐性的,在不利环境下尤其如此。
- To read this book through will require time and patience. It will require time and patience to read this book through. 读完这本书需要时间与耐心。
- Hong Kong is still in its preliminary stage of democracy. It takes some time and patience for democracy to ripen. 香港现正在民主过程的初阶,需要时间和耐性,以待民主发展进入成熟阶段。
- With time and patience you will gradually come to understand a society that is so different from ours. 只要有时间有耐心,你就会慢慢地了解一个与我们自己的多么不同的社会。
- Exiting a real estate in-vestment often requires time and patience,par-ticularly so in a less favourable environment. 从房地产投资中退出是需要时间和耐性的,在不利环境下尤其如此。
- But "time and patience," says the Eastern proverb, "change the mulberry leaf to silk. 但是东方格言说:“时间和耐心把桑叶变成蚕丝。”
- Exiting a real estate in-vestment often requires time and patience, par-ticularly so in a less favourable environment. 从房地产投资中退出是需要时间和耐性的,在不利环境下尤其如此。
- Teaching is not an easy job, for it demands unimaginable time and energy, as well as superb determination and patience. 教学不是件容易的事,它除了需要难以想象的时间和精力外,还需要超乎寻常的决心和耐心。
- It takes time and a lot of time and patience to teach a Shiba Inu to walk properly. 我用了很多时间来训练柴犬随行的正确姿势。
- The job called for all my resources of energy and patience. 这项工作需要我拿出自己的全部精力和耐性。