- timber working machine 木工机床
- timber working machine tool 木工机床
- Wheat no-tillage sowing work machine. 适用于小麦免耕播种作业的机具。
- To find the answer, Dr Wolfe designed a work machine. 要发现答复,沃尔夫博士设计工作机器。
- The rough timber work of a house, including the flooring, roofing, partitioning, ceiling and beams. 一个房子的轮廓木材工作,包括地板,屋顶,分隔,天花板和横梁。
- We buy used glass working machines. 求购企业名称
- Back then , he added, the nonprofit laptop project did not have a working machine. 然后,他补充道,非赢利的手提电脑工程没有一台工作电脑。
- We are specialized in manufacturing sheetmetal working machines. 一直致力于专业生产钣金机械。
- With UDPKIT his regular work machine can post a message to the network before shutting down. 有了UDPKIT,他的常用电脑就可以在完全关机之前发出一份讯息到网路上。
- Timber Working with Wood Brisbane 布里斯班原木加工机械与木制品展
- Undaunted by their first effort that literally fell apart, they persevered for years until the first working machine flew for a mere 300 feet, less than the wingspan of a 747. 他们第一次的努力不加夸张地说是摔得粉碎,但他们毫不气馁,继续坚持了好几年,直到制造出第一架能够仅仅飞行300英尺的机器,这个距离还不到波音747客机的机翼长度。
- Timber Working with Wood Melbourne 墨尔本原木与木材加工展
- We are a wellknown manufacturer specialized in wood working machines. 我们是知名的木工机械制造商。
- Weir of dry stone and timber work 木笼镇石堰
- The firm's tender for the supply of timber has been accepted. 那家商号的供应木材投标已被接受。
- He is merely a working machine. 他只不过是一个工作机器人。
- He's being talked up as presidential timber. 人们说他具有当总统的气质。
- This paper intraduces the principle. method and important point on technigue for universal milling machine to refit gear working machines. 本文介绍了用万能铣床改装滚齿机加工圆柱直齿轮的原理、方法和技术要点,实际例子说明,此方法可满足齿轮加工要求;
- He used to be a timber merchant. 他曾是一个木材商。
- He had a finger cut off by a machine while working. 他在工作时被机器切掉了一个手指。