- Join Method:包括nested loop, sort merge, cartesian, and hash joins. 也就是说两个两个的连接,直到所有的连接全部走完。
- The Continue keyword can be used in a nested loop to skip to the next iteration of an outer loop. 可以在嵌套循环中使用Continue关键字以跳到外层循环的下一次迭代
- Adjusted the wording of the introduction and added the forcing of a nested loop join. 调整了简介的措辞并添加了强制使用嵌套循环联接。
- Write the nested loops in the normal way. 以常规方法编写嵌套循环。
- Join plan directives that force optimizer to use the designated join method to join tables in the query, either nested loop join, sort merge join, or dynamic hash join. 连接计划指示,强制优化器使用指定的连接方法来连接查询中的表,要么是嵌套循环连接、分类合并连接,要么是动态哈希连接。
- The physical operator used, such as Hash Join or Nested Loops. 使用的物理运算符,例如Hash Join或Nested Loops。
- In large queries, however, nested loops joins are often not the optimal choice. 但在大型查询中,嵌套循环联接通常不是最佳选择。
- The following example demonstrates using goto to break out from nested loops. 下面的示例演示了使用goto跳出嵌套循环。
- The goto statement is also useful to get out of deeply nested loops. goto语句还用于跳出深嵌套循环。
- For example,to nest one loop(the nested loop)within another loop(the nesting loop;to nest one subroutine(the nested subroutine)within another subroutine(the nesting subroutine. 例如,在一个循环中嵌入另一个循环,在一个子程序中嵌入另一个子程序。
- This method consists of two nested loops: the first loop iterate through all the registered types. The second loop iterates through all attributes for the current type. 这个方法由两个嵌套的循环组成:第一个循环遍历所有注册的类型。第二个循环遍历当前类型的所有特性。
- Because the For Loop container can include other For Loop containers, you can build nested loops and implement complex looping in packages. 因为For循环容器可以包含其他For循环容器,所以可以在包中构建嵌套循环和实现复杂循环。
- In this example, two nested loops are used to search for a substring within a string. 在此示例中,使用了两个嵌套循环来搜索一个字符串中的子字符串。
- The tent flaps should be tightly fastened. 帐篷的帘布应紧紧系住。
- The result is less code and the elimination of a common source of errors when writing nested loops. 结果是当编写嵌套循环时更少的程序代码和消除了共同的错误源。
- It's a tight squeeze to get five people in that small car. 五个人坐在那个小车子里真是太挤了。
- In many small transactions, such as those affecting only a small set of rows, index nested loops joins are superior to both merge joins and hash joins. 在许多小事务中(如那些只影响较小的一组行的事务),索引嵌套循环联接优于合并联接和哈希联接。
- Sheila's dad is a real tight wad. 希拉的父亲真是个一毛不拔的铁公鸡。
- She felt his arms close tightly around her. 她觉得他把她搂得很紧。
- For example, right-click Nested Loops Join and choose Help for information about the resources used by that part of the execution. 例如,右击[嵌套循环连接]并选择[帮助]以获取有关该执行部分使用的资源的信息。