- Tighter credit conditions are sapping already feeble demand. 紧缩的信贷让本就无力的需求更加乏力。
- Tight credit markets have threatened to stall the economy. 信贷市场紧缩已经对经济停滞构成威胁。
- And just as booming credit once underpinned strong domestic spending, so tighter credit will mean slower growth. 只是发展迅速的信贷曾经支撑着强力的国内支出,因此,信贷的进一步紧缩意味着经济增长的放缓。
- And just as booming credit once underpinned strong domestic spending,so tighter credit will mean slower growth. 与发展的信贷曾经刺激了强劲的国内消费一样,紧缩信贷意味著缓慢的增长。
- But the double whammy of an ailing housing market and tighter credit means the odds of recession have risen. 然而房地产市场的低迷和信用贷款的紧缩给美国带来的双重打击意味着一次经济衰退很可能已经来临。
- First, reduced leverage and tighter credit will herald the end of the private-equity model of the past 20 years. 原译:首先,有所收敛的杠杠和裹得更紧的信贷将预示着过去二十年中的私募股权模式曲终人散。
- Falling real income, slumping share and house prices and tighter credit all cast a cloud over consumer spending. 实际收入下降,衰退的股票市场和住房价格以及从近的信用都给消费支出蒙上了一层阴云。
- Popovich in Salon by Marc Weingarten says that what it called 'super repo men' are reaping the benefits of tighter credit and destroyed wealth. 文中说,“超级讨债人”因信贷紧缩和财富缩水而赚翻了。
- Sallie Mae has been the biggest provider of such lending, but it is becoming more selective amid mounting loan losses and tighter credit markets. 学生贷款营销协会是提供这类贷款的机构中规模最大的,但随着贷款损失的增加以及信贷市场的收紧,它在选择放贷对象方面也越来越严格了。
- However, China stock markets tumbled on concern of tighter credit and lending in China due to the unprecedented massive lending of Rmb7.8 trillion YTD. 然而,中国股市大跌,在于关注信贷紧缩和在中国贷款,由于前所未有的大规模贷款7.;8万亿人民币由年初至今。
- House prices also fell by the most in 17 years as rising mortgage costs, tighter credit and growing inventory depresses the real estate market. 张青老师,我很喜欢你的博客,同时也很欣赏你,能否帮我翻译下下面这段文章,谢谢了。
- There will be pain as tighter credit forces adjustments.But sensible, speedy international assistance would make a big difference. 受到紧缩信贷压力进行的调整必然带来痛苦,但快速的国际援助是明智之举,因为这会让结果很不相同。
- Falling house prices, tighter credit conditions, rising unemployment, as well as higher prices at the petrol pump, all cloud the outlook for consumer spending. 房价下跌,信贷紧缩,失业增加,还有油价上涨,所有这些都为消费者支出罩上了阴影。
- This was the result of tight credit policies aimed at preventing the economy from overheating. 这是旨在防止经济过热所推出的信用紧缩政策产生的结果。
- Although developing economies will expand more robustly, this is expected to moderate as tighter credit slows private capital flows to emerging markets. 尽管发展中国家的经济扩张是粗放型(会相对强劲的),但仍然预期会放缓因为信用紧缩减缓了私人资本流动到新兴市场。
- We have a flurry of bank bankruptcies and workouts but the financial system absorbs these losses and the credit creation process is quickly re-established with tighter credit. 我们恐慌银行破产倒闭,但是金融系统吸收了这些损失,并且信用产生过程很快在紧缩信用的基础上得到重建。
- Tighter credit conditions mean that the drag on the US economy will soon spread beyond the housing sector to affect consumption and investment decisions. 更严格的信贷条件意味著,拖累的美国经济将很快扩散到房地产以外的部门并影响到消费和投资的决定。
- In its second annual report, the All Parliamentary Group on ID Fraud said tighter credit lending rules would lead to more attempts to get at existing bank accounts. 在它的第二份年报中,ID欺诈议员小组说,收紧信用借贷规则可能导致更多的非法获取现有银行帐户的尝试。
- America's economy has stalled as the building bust deepens and consumers cope with the triple whammy of falling house prices, tighter credit and dearer oil. 当建筑业破产危机加重,消费者应付房价下跌、信贷紧缩和油价昂贵的三重打击时,美国经济就已经陷入困境。
- The goal was to unfreeze tight credit and lessen the severity of an economic downturn that has spread across the globe. 其目的是缓解信贷紧缩和降低世界性经济下滑的严重程度。