- tight binding method 紧束缚法
- Using the scattering theoretical approach based on the semi-empirical tight binding Green function method, we identified the large stress anisotropy as the primary driving force of defects on Sb/Si(001) (Chapter 3). 第三章中我们用基于Chadi模型和紧束缚格林函数的方法计算表面应力,发现Sb/Si(001)表面的缺陷是表面应力的各向异性太大而引起的。
- ER binding sites in tumor were determinedby tritiated estradiol binding method. 用氚标记雌二醇结合法测定瘤内的er结合位点数。
- Negotiable instruments counterplea has a tight binding with a nation's economic development. 票据抗辩是与一个国家的经济发展水平分不开的。
- The delegate in turn calls the bound method. 委托接着调用绑定的方法。
- A default binding method will only be invoked if the Parameter annotation does not provide a default value. 默认的绑定方法只有在参数标注没有提供默认值时才被调用。
- Binding method using meltable threads as "stitches" to secure individual and gathered sections. 用可以融化的线,把个别书帖及检集后各帖连接一起的装订方法。
- This binding method puts on books and skinpass, are now using this method is also more. 这种装订方法装出的书结实且平整,目前使用这种方法的书籍也比较多。
- Objective:To underline the advantage and disadvantage of using binding method and osteotomy in treating hallux valgus. 目的:比较捆绑术与截骨术在拇外翻治疗中的优缺点。
- To edit a date, the other templates use a Calendar control that uses the Bind method. 若要编辑日期,可在其他模板中包括一个使用Bind方法的Calendar控件。
- To insert or edit a date, the other templates use a Calendar control that uses the Bind method. 若要插入或编辑日期,其他模板应使用采用Bind方法的Calendar控件。
- Bind method has also been added for two-way data-binding scenarios in edit item templates and update item templates. 编辑项模板和更新项模板中还为双向数据绑定方案添加了。
- Drawn-in A manual book binding method in which the section threads are pulled through cover boards and glued.Also called Lacing-in. 一种手工书籍装订方法。把每帖的连线穿过书皮板纸黏牢。
- The prisoner was tightly bound and gagged. 犯人被捆得紧紧的,口里塞着东西。
- Deuterion-deuterion tight bound states model about the mechanism of socalled "nuclear cold fusion" is proposed. 摘要提出了氘-氘紧束缚态模型。
- A Bind method has also been added for two-way data-binding scenarios in edit item templates and update item templates. 编辑项模板和更新项模板中还为双向数据绑定方案添加了Bind方法。
- Call the Bind method prior to calling the Listen method if you want to specify the local IP address and port number. 如果要指定本地IP地址和端口号,请在调用Listen方法之前先调用Bind方法。
- A large package of raw or finished material tightly bound with twine or wire and often wrapped. 大包,大捆用线或绳缠绕包裹的原料或成品的大包,经常被包扎起来
- When the event occurs, the delegate calls the bound method. 当发生事件时,委托调用绑定的方法。
- The bound method should neither take parameters nor return a value. 绑定方法既不应使用参数,也不应返回值。