- He maintained close ties with the masses. 他和群众保持着密切的联系。
- We shall maintain close ties with the masses. 我们应和群众保持密切联系。
- We should maintain close ties with the masses . 我们应和群众保持密切的联系。
- But what is most important is to maintain close ties with the masses. 密切联系群众,这是最根本的一条。
- Maintaining close ties with the masses is one of our Party's fine traditions. 密切联系群众是我党的优良传统之一。
- It's not easy for a party to grow gradually into a mature party maintaining ties with the masses. 要使一个党逐步成为成熟的党,同群众有联系的党,是不容易的。
- Here both policy and work style are involved and,generally,it is a matter of maintaining ties with the masses. 这里面包括政策与作风两个问题,而总的是联系群众的问题。
- We must revive and develop further the Party's fine traditions of hard work, simple living and close ties with the masses. 我们必须恢复和发扬党的艰苦朴素、密切联系群众的优良传统。
- Here both policy and work style are involved and, generally, it is a matter of maintaining ties with the masses. 这里面包括政策与作风两个问题,而总的是联系群众的问题。
- It is up to the veteran cadres to take the lead in further developing our Party's tradition of maintaining close ties with the masses. 发扬党的密切联系群众的传统作风,要靠我们老干部起模范带头作用。
- Keeping close ties with the masses is a fine tradition of our Party,but Lin Biao and the Gang of Four nearly destroyed it. 密切联系群众,是我们党的一个优良传统。林彪、“四人帮”极大地破坏了我们党的这个优良传统。
- Through protracted struggles against warlordism,the army achieved unity in its own ranks and formed close ties with the masses. 经过长期反对军阀主义的斗争,军队内部很团结,联系群众也很好。
- We must revive and develop further the Party's fine traditions of hard work,simple living and close ties with the masses. 我们必须恢复和发扬党的艰苦朴素、密切联系群众的优良传统。
- Through protracted struggles against warlordism, the army achieved unity in its own ranks and formed close ties with the masses. 经过长期反对军阀主义的斗争,军队内部很团结,联系群众也很好。
- The biggest political advantage of our Party lies in its close ties with the masses while the biggest potential danger for it as a ruling party comes from its divorce from them. 我们党的最大政治优势是密切联系群众,党执政后的最大危险是脱离群众。
- A cadre must reach out to and be one with the masses. 一个干部必须联系群众,同群众打成一片。
- The correct work style we advocate is the one put forward by Chairman Mao--integrating theory with practice,maintaining ties with the masses and making self-criticism. 我们提倡的正确的作风,就是毛主席指出的理论与实际结合的作风,联系群众的作风,自我批评的作风。
- Because our Party maintained close ties with the masses and its prestige was high among them.We told the people the difficulties,explained issues clearly,and did a lot of work. 就是因为党和群众的关系密切,党的威信比较高,把困难摆到人民面前,对群众讲清道理,做了大量的工作。
- In the Nantong Coal Mine,for instance,there are not many cadres,but they perform their work well,because they base their work on reality and maintain close ties with the masses. 如南桐煤矿,干部并不多,但是工作做得好,原因就是从实际出发,联系群众。
- Our Party's ties with the masses and its leadership in the struggle for the cause of socialism in China have been established over a period of 60 years. 我们党同广大群众的联系,对中国社会主义事业的领导,是六十年的斗争历史形成的。