- tie his into knotsvi. 陷于困境
- tie his up into knotsvi. 陷于困境
- The thought of undergoing a surgical operation tied me into knots. 一想到要动手术,我就紧张起来。
- He is bending down to tie his shoelaces. 他正弯下腰系鞋带。
- You'll know you are if your legs turn into knots. 双腿一旦僵硬的话,自己一定会知道的。
- Franklin could count by twos and tie his shoes. 富兰克林已经会数奇偶数了,他还学会了自己系鞋带。
- He needed to bend over to tie his shoelaces. 他需要弯腰把鞋带系上。
- The little one stops to tie his shoe. 最小的蚂蚁突然停下来系鞋带。
- You will not be able to sit still, you pace back and forth, you will not be able to sleep that night, and sometimes your stomach will tie into knots in pleasurable pain. 你坐立不安,来回踱步,彻夜难眠,有时候甚至会高兴到胃疼的地步。
- We tied his feet together with (a) rope. 我们用绳子把他的双脚捆在一起。
- Tommy Tye tried to tie his tie but tugging too tight tore his tie. 汤米试图系上他的鞋带,但是由于用力过大把带子扯断了。
- He tied his shoelaces in hard knots because he couldn't see in the faint light. 由于灯光昏暗看不清楚,他系鞋带时打了个死结。
- Wouldn't it be a giggle to tie his shoe-laces together while he isn't looking! 趁他没注意时把他的鞋带拴在一起, 岂不有趣!
- An Eley's No. 2 is an excellent argument with gentlemen who can twist steel pokers into knots. 一只爱丽二号会是对付一个能把铁火钳打结的男人的极好工具。
- The hagfish, unfortunately, sometimes falls prey to its own defense mechanism, but normally it twists itself into knots to escape the gelatinous goop. 不幸的是,有时候,八目鳗类鱼会成为自己防卫机制的受害者。但通常情况下,它会把自己拧成几节,然后从粘液中逃脱。
- We tied his hands together with rope. 我们用绳子把他的手绑在一起。
- The triggered star formation occurs when hot outflowing gas compresses cooler gas into knots dense enough to gravitationally contract into stars. 当炽热的流动气体压缩成较冷的气体,形成致密的节点,等到有足够的重力形成恒星时,这时候就触发了恒星的诞生。
- The cowboy tied his horse to a tree. 那位牛仔把他的马栓在树上。
- Jack often ties his dog toa tree in the garden. 杰克经常把他的狗拴在院子里的一棵树上。
- With two candidates standing for an election,the result seemed certain,but when a third threw his into the ring,everything became unclear. 当两位候选人进行竞选时,结果可能还有些把握,但第三者声明参加竞选时,情况就变得不明朗了。