- Lu Tusi buildings for government offices in the Ming Dynasty palace architecture, but into the Tibetan architectural style of decoration. 鲁土司衙门建筑群为明代宫廷式建筑,但又融入了藏式建筑的装饰风格。
- tibetan architecture style 藏式建筑
- Tashi Choten Hotel is a morden hotel of decorated as the style of ancient Tibetan architecture. 扎西曲塔酒店是一家新落成的完全采用藏式风格装修,充满着浓郁藏族风情的现代化酒店。
- Tashi Choten Hotel is a modern hotel of decorated as the style of ancient Tibetan architecture. 扎西曲塔酒店是一家新落成的完全采用藏式风格装修,充满着浓郁藏族风情的现代化酒店。
- This kind of architectural style depresses me. 这种建筑风格让我感到很压抑。
- I like the environment architecture style of this campus. 我喜欢这所大学的建筑风格。
- Web applications were the early implementers of MVC architecture style. Web应用程序是MVC架构样式的早期实现者。
- In the light of functions, the Tibetan architecture includes palace, temple, castle, manor, civil house and landscape architecture. 从功能上藏式建筑分为宫殿建筑、寺庙建筑、城堡建筑、庄园建筑和民居建筑以及园林建筑等种类;
- The clusters of ancient structures on the Barkor Street with the Jokhang Monastery in the center are the epitome of Tibetan history and the cream of ancient Tibetan architecture. 他说,以大昭寺为中心的八角街古建筑群是拉萨历史的缩影,是藏民族古建筑精品之一。
- The splendidly elegant European Architecture Style is full of the unique refined mystery from the western classical culture. 富丽典雅的欧陆式建筑风格,使宾客感受到西方古典文化独特的神秘雅致。
- I don’t particularly like the architectural style of the city. 对这座城市的建筑风格我感觉一般。
- Adopt the brief and smooth modernism architectural style. 简约流畅的现代主义建筑风格。
- Architectural styles range from Tiki to Tuscan. 建筑风格包括了从海洋情调到意大利托斯卡纳式。
- Shuangliu Guangdu Road Pedestrian Bridge is a three-span partial prestressed continuous rigid frame bridge, possesses Europeanize architecture style outside. 双流广都大道人行天桥外部建筑风格为欧式建筑风格 ,结构形式为三跨现浇部分预应力混凝土连续刚构桥。
- A harmonious blend of architectural styles. 各种建筑风格的完美的结合
- Of or relating to an architectural style derived from medieval Gothic. 哥特式建筑的源于中世纪哥特式建筑风格的
- Remarks on the Art of Tibetan Architecture 藏族建筑艺术浅议
- Best Century Hotel Is Situated Near The Entrance Of Jianghan Pedestrian Street Of Wuhan City. It Is A Business Hotel With Architecture Style Of European Classicalism. 最佳世纪大酒店武汉优惠预订,如果您需要在武汉,中国住宿(包括酒店、宾馆、旅店,饭店、汽车旅馆),这个酒店将是一个不错的选择。
- The splendour of the Potala Palace is a great achievement of Tibetan architectural art which also amalgamates the skills of artisans of the Han, Mongolian and Man nationalities. 布达拉宫依山垒砌,殿厦连接,相互呼应,整个建筑群蔚为壮观,充分体现了以藏族为主,汉、蒙古、满等各族能工巧匠的高超技艺和藏族建筑艺术的伟大成就。
- Abstract: The Chengguang live area is a lately-set up residential area, unified architecture style, sprightly tone, have distinct characteristic of times. 摘要:辰光小区是新建的住宅小区,建筑风格统一,色调明快,具有鲜明的时代感。