- thumb a nose at 蔑视; 对 ... 嗤之以鼻
- His little brother wrinkled up his nose at a nasty smell. 他的小弟弟闻到那难闻的味皱起鼻子。
- After Jimmy ran out of house, he made a long nose at his sister. 吉米从屋里跑出来后,把拇指放在鼻子上嘲笑他姐姐。
- That reporter has a nose for news. 那位新闻记者对新闻特别敏感。
- I wrinkled up my nose at the nasty smell. 我闻到那股难闻的味,皱起了鼻子。
- The host team won the game by a nose. 主队以微弱优势赢得比赛。
- The market values are in a nose dive. 市价暴跌。
- They managed to thumb a lift to Paris. 她们设法搭便车到达巴黎。
- I passed the examination by a nose. 我考试差一点不及格。
- He looked down his nose at the offer. 他对这个建议嗤之以鼻。
- The candidate lost the election by a nose. 那候选人以微弱之差竞选失败。
- Not having much money, john decide to thumb a ride to Los Angeles. 约翰没有多少钱,便决定搭便车去洛杉矶。
- You should not look down your nose at him. 你不应该瞧不起他。
- It is impolite to blow your nose at table. 在吃饭时擦鼻涕是不礼貌的。
- A good reporter has a nose for news. 高明的记者对新闻十分敏感。
- Benjamin felt a nose nuzzling at his shoulder. 本杰明感觉到有一个鼻子在他肩上磨蹭。
- I'll thumb a ride to the movies and meet you there. 我会搭顺风车去电影院在那里和你会面。
- After Bob ran into the house he thumbed his nose at Tom through the window. 鲍勃溜进屋里从窗口向汤姆做鬼脸嘲笑他。
- The critics looked down their noses at the novel. 这些评论家们都轻视这部小说。
- After Tim ran into the house he thumbed his nose at Steve through the window. 蒂姆跑进屋后,从窗口向史蒂夫作轻蔑的手势。