- The scene threw his mind back to a snowy night twenty years before. 这种景象使他回想起20年前的一个雪夜。
- The scene threw his mind back to a snow night twenty years before. 眼前的景物使他的思想回到二十年前一个下雪的夜晚。
- He tried to yank his mind back out of fantasy. 他试图将思绪从想入非非的幻梦中拉回。
- He now turned his mind back to the centre. 他这时又决定使其思绪转回到中路来。
- Guy wrenched his mind back to the present. 盖伊的思绪猛地回到现在。
- He tried to yank his mind back out of fantasy . 他试图将思绪从想入非非的幻梦中拉回。
- thrown his mind backv. 回忆(回顾)
- Harris can cast his mind back and imagine what the area once was. 哈里斯可以任思绪飞扬,想象出该地区当时的情景。
- thrown his mind back tov. 回忆(回顾)
- With an effort he dragged his mind back to the matter in question. 他努力把思路拉回到正在讨论的问题上。
- But I got after him and he got his mind back on business. 但是我责备了他,他又重新专注于生意了。
- throw his mind backvt. 回忆(回顾)
- throw his mind back tovt. 回忆(回顾)
- The Argentinian has only to cast his mind back to last season's loan spell with Milan to negate any thoughts of Chelsea complacency. 阿根廷人只能回忆起他上个赛季租借在米兰的时光去打消任何切尔西自鸣自得的念头。
- The new comer applied his mind to the job. 新来的职员工作专心致志。
- threw his mind backv. 回忆(回顾)
- An idea popped into his mind like a flash. 他头脑里突然闪过一个念头。
- Tell Tom not to throw his weight about when he starts his new job. He can sit back quietly and pick up a few ideas from others. 告诉汤姆开始新工作时,不要盛所凌人。他可以安安静静不急于行动,先听听别人的意见。
- threw his mind back tov. 回忆(回顾)
- He was back again, and throwing his weight about. 他又回来了,还是那么滥用权势。