- His mother threw up her hands in despair when the boy failed yet another examination. 这男孩再一次考试不及格时,他的母亲绝望地挥动着手。
- She flung up her hands in despair. 她绝望地举起双手。
- She threw up her hands in horror at the idea. 她听到那个主意吓得把手都举了起来。
- throw up her hands in despairvi. 绝望(认输)
- My mother threw up her hands in horror. 我母亲惊恐绝望。
- She threw up her hands in horror. 她吓得举起了双手。
- She threw up her hands in horror . 她吓得举起了双手。
- threw up her hands in despairv. 绝望(认输)
- thrown up her hands in despairv. 绝望(认输)
- His mother flung up her hands in despair when the boy failed yet another examination. 当孩子考试又不及格时, 母亲感到毫无希望了。
- She put up her hand in a solute. 她举手致敬。
- She flung up her hands in horror on hearing about the murder. 她一听说暗杀就吓得不得了。
- The woman shrieked and threw up her hands. 他把头低低地垂到水上,只等待着死。
- throw up her hands in horrorvi. 惊慌失措(束手无策)
- She threw up her hands and decided to drop out of college. 她绝望了于是决定辍学。
- Mother threw up her hands when the children messed up the living room for the third time. 孩子们第三次把起居室弄得乱七八糟时,母亲举起双手表示无能为力。
- She wrung her hands in mock despair. 她假装绝望地绞着双手。
- She threw up her arms in horror. 她惊恐得向上举起手臂。
- "Undreamed of!" cried Mercedes, throwing up her hands in dainty dismay. "However in the world could I manage without a tent?" “别做梦!”美茜子文雅而惊讶地举起手,叫道:“没有帐篷,我可怎么办?”
- Alice had no idea what to do,and in despair she put her hand in her pocket,and pulled out a box of comfits,(luckily the salt water had not got into it),and handed them round as prizes. 爱丽丝真不知该怎么办了,她无可奈何地把手伸进了衣袋,嘿!拿出了一盒糖果,真幸运,还没给咸水浸透,她就把糖果作为奖品,发给了大家。