- Crossing the stream, he threw the tracking dogs off. 他跳入河中,企图误导。
- throw the tracking dogs off 把跟踪的狗甩掉
- Crossing the stream, he threw the tracking dogs off. A wrong measurement threw her estimate off. 他淌过小溪把跟踪的狗甩掉了。错误的测量使他的判断出了错
- Crossing the stream,he threw the tracking dogs off. A wrong measurement threw her estimate off. 他淌过小溪把跟踪的狗甩掉了。错误的测量使他的判断出了错
- Let's go through the river,it might throw the dogs off the scent. 我们穿过这条河,那样也许会把狗给甩掉。
- What you just said is completely off the track. 你刚才讲的话彻底离题了。
- But one of the British agents, a woman, threw the guard dogs off the scent by feeding them potato chips. 但是一名英国女间谍的香水味引起了军犬的注意,她扔了一些土豆片才摆脱了它。
- Please call your dog off it's frightening the children. 请把你的狗叫开--已经吓著孩子了。
- Our pilotless rocket enters the track of the earth. 我们把一个无人驾驶的火箭送入了地球的轨道里。
- It's your turn to throw the dice. 轮到你掷骰子了。
- I'll throw the ball and you catch it. 我扔球你接。
- The cyclist went at full sail along the track. 自行车手沿着跑道全速前进。
- The false alibi threw the police off the scent. 那个不在犯罪现场的伪证使警方失去了线索。
- I'm on the track of a valuable painting. 我在追寻一幅珍贵的油画。
- The wrecked train lay aslant the track. 失事的火车斜着横在铁轨上。
- The horses came pounding along the track. 马都在沿著跑道奔驰。
- Can't you keep your dog off the road? 你就不能把狗牵到路旁边去吗?
- We missed the track and went astray. 我们走错了道,迷路了。
- Powers tried to throw the sword into the scale. 大国力图用武力来解决问题。
- She is going to be a timekeeper at the track meet. 她将在田径比赛中担任计时员。