- I throw myself on your support to help me win this competition. 我依靠你的支持来帮我赢得这场竞争。
- I threw myself on the bed and began to groan. 我倒在床上,开始呻吟起来。
- I throw myself on your mercy. 我求你发发慈悲。
- I ran from the dining room bawling.Up in my room I threw myself on the bed and sobbed. 我放声大哭的跑出餐厅,回到自己的卧室,倒在床上悲泣。
- I cut myself on the cheek with my razor. 我不小心被刮胡刀割伤了脸颊。
- I ran from the dining room bawling. Up in my room I threw myself on the bed and sobbed. 我放声大哭地跑出餐厅,回到自己的卧室,倒在床上悲泣。
- I had a rude awakening when I found myself on the verge of bankruptcy. 我发现自己已到了破产边缘时才猛然意识到事情不妙。
- I congratulated myself on my narrow escape. 我庆祝自己死里逃生。
- Throw myself face down on the bed and cry myself to sleep. 我扑倒在床上,一直哭到睡着。
- They quarreled over it. I couldn't stand it another second. Iran from the dining room bawling. Up in my room I threw myself on the bad and sobbed. 他们为此争吵起来,我再也无法忍受了,哭着跑出餐厅,到楼上我的房间,扑倒在床上抽泣起来。
- I cut myself on a piece of plastic that was as sharp as a razor. 我在一块极锋利的塑料片上划了一下。
- One day I lost myself on the way to my uncle's house. 有一天我在去我叔叔家的路上迷失了方向。
- Don't make me throw myself under a train. 不要把我自己丢到火车上。
- I pride myself on this beautiful garden. 我为这个美丽的花园而自豪
- I'd rather not commit myself on that, if you do not mind. 如果您不介意,我倒希望不对此事发表意见。
- I would go to Old Bridge and throw myself in the Arno River! 我会去老桥,我将纵身跳入阿诺河!
- I revenged myself on him for his outrageous lies. 我因他可耻的谎言向他报仇。
- I threw myself at her feet and asked her to forgive me. 我拜倒在她的脚下,请求她饶恕我。
- I was at fault, and I cast myself on his clemency. 我有错误,指望他宽厚地对待我。
- When I focus myself on Theology, I lost my life. 当我把自己集中在神学上时,却在生活中迷失。