- He threw a spanner into works by never investing this project. 他不再投资这项工程而破坏了整个计划。
- He was sorry to have an old friends'daydream thrown a spanner into works. 他对使老朋友的幻想破灭难过。
- throw a spanner into the works v. 从中捣乱
- He threw a spanner into works by never investing this project 他不再投资这项工程而破坏了整个计划。
- throw a spanner into the worksvi. 从中捣乱(打乱计划)
- thrown a spanner into the worksv. 从中捣乱(打乱计划)
- What puts a spanner into this adjustment mechanism is the rise in global inflation. 进一步搅乱这种调整机制的是全球通胀率的上升。
- And besides, if he failed to get the better of Chao Po-tao in the matter of government bonds, his rival would be in a position to throw a spanner in the works of the Yi Chung Company .... 而且不从公债上打倒赵伯韬,将来益中的业务会受他破坏
- She throw a stone into the pond and watch the ripples spread. 她把一块石头扔进池塘里,看著水的波纹扩散开。
- The birth control pill could also throw a spanner in the works of the laws of natural attraction as it prevents women giving off monthly fertility signals believed to be subtly alluring to men. 避孕药还可能扰乱异性间自然吸引的规律,由于它会阻止女性每月释放生育信号,而这被认为可以吸引男性。
- I'll need a spanner to change the back wheel. 我需要一把扳手来换後轮。
- I throw a ball to her and she catch it. 我把球扔给她,她接住了。
- The job would have been finished sometime ago if you hadn't thrown a spanner in the works by supplying me with the wrong materials. 要不是你给我提供错误的材料阻挠了我的工作,我早就把它做完了。
- Let's get this finished before the boss comes along and throws a spanner in the works. 我们把这个弄完吧,别等老板来了从中作梗。
- Her diaries throw a new light upon certain incidents. 她的日记对一些事件提供了新的解释。
- The job would have been finished some time ago if you hadn't thrown a spanner in the works by supplying me with wrong materials. 如果不是因为你捣乱给我提供的原材料不对,这活已做完好些时了。
- China has throw a satellite into space recent- ly. 中国最近向太空发射了一枚卫星。
- She threw a scarf over her shoulders. 她在肩上披上一块肩巾。
- Bernie Ecclestone on Saturday threw a spanner in the works, as other F1 stakeholders proclaimed "constructive" talks to pull the sport out of crisis. 伯尼星期六投掷扳手的作品,其他的F1利益相关者宣布“建设性”的会谈,拉动体育摆脱危机.
- It was half the fault of some of the girls trying to picket the gate, and half the fault of that perisher Chien Paosheng throwing a spanner in the works! 一半是女工里有人拦厂门,一半是钱葆生那混蛋的把戏!