- I throw a ball to her and she catch it. 我把球扔给她,她接住了。
- Her diaries throw a new light upon certain incidents. 她的日记对一些事件提供了新的解释。
- She throw a stone into the pond and watch the ripples spread. 她把一块石头扔进池塘里,看著水的波纹扩散开。
- She threw a scarf over her shoulders. 她在肩上披上一块肩巾。
- The boxer followed through with a left to the chin. 拳击运动员又用左手给了对手下巴一拳。
- The rifle is able to throw a bullet about 4 miles. 这把来复枪可以把子弹射出大约4英里。
- Throw a tablecloth over the dining table. 在餐桌上盖上一块台布。
- He smote his match to the ground with a left hook. 他以一记左钩拳把对手击倒在地。
- Don't throw a fit every time I have to go. 不要在我每次不得不走的时候都大发雷霆。
- He downed the champion with a left hook. 他以一个左钩拳击倒了卫冕冠军。
- "You are not quite such a fool as you look", is a left handed compliment. "你看来不那么笨嘛"是一句言不由衷的恭维话。
- They egged me to throw a stone toward the window. 他们怂恿我向窗子投掷一块石头。
- Oh,yeah. They sure know how to throw a party. 是的,他们搞派对很有一手。
- Make a left at the third turning. 在第三个拐角处往左转。
- I threw a stick of charcoal in the fire. 我往火里扔了一根木炭。
- She was active as a left winger in the party. 她是党内积极的左翼分子.
- She'll throw a fit if she finds out. 她要是发现了,一定会大发雷霆。
- You didn't get a leaving present? What a swizz! 你没有得到临别礼物吗? 真叫人失望!
- He threw a blanket over the injured man. 他急忙给受伤的人披上条毯子。
- It is a left lead followed by a right cross. 一个左直拳接着是一个右交叉拳。