- Receive through cut, bore, frit next wait for a method, make window frame, the goods such as mount hardware fittings. 然后通过切割、钻孔、熔接等方法,制成窗框,装上五金配件等制品。
- Flat sawing is the most commonly used diamond cutting method. 单位锯切割钻石是最常用的方法。
- Through technology improvement to the furcation part-double forging, after forged the circle bar of middle part, then it was cut into two part with flame cutting method. 为此,对枝丫类锻件进行工艺改进-两个一连,然后把中间圆棒部分拔出,再用气割的方法将其一分为二。
- Zhiju Dress(The Direct Garment): Through cutting townwear for men, fasten by belt or corset. 直裾:上下通裁的男子日常服装,系腰带或腰封。
- It is fit for enveloping cutting method of numerically controlled cutting of groove of the roller for rolling balls. 这种方法适用于数控切削斜轧球轧辊孔型的包络切削方式。
- Zhishen:Namely priest frock, men‘s townwear in the Ming Dynasty. Through cutting, with dark lap, to make style of pendulum. 直身:又叫道袍,明朝时期的男子日常服装。也是上下通裁,有暗摆,造成打褶的效果。
- So both theoretical analysis and test show that concrete strength can be obtained by transverse cutting method. 因此,理论分析与试验结果都表明,可以采用横劈的方法得到混凝土的强度。
- The sectional cutting method is effectively applied to longhole raising but less applied to tunnel heading. 分段掏槽法已在深孔爆破掘进天井运用中取得一定效果,而在平巷掘进中运用却未予以足够的重视和研究。
- Made of shaping Polytetrafluoethylene Resin into blank by moulding and sintering in ordinary temperature, then through cutting to have the broad nonstereospecific film. 用聚四氟乙烯烧树脂在常温下经模压烧结制成坯料后再经车削制成宽幅的不定向薄膜。
- The CNC cutting method of three-pipe intersecting end is brought forward on the base of two-pipe intersecting model. 在两圆管相贯的基础上,提出了三圆管相贯端头数控切割方法。
- LI C A, ZHANG Y F.Geoscientific factors analyses on the through cutting of main drainages and the formation of flood damage in China [J].Exploration of Nature, 1997, 16(59):61-64. [5]李长安;张玉芬.;中国主要水系贯通和洪灾形成的地学因素分析[J]
- This paper gives a short cut method to derive from molecular speed distribution function in the molecular ray. 给出了导得分子射线中分子速率分布函数的一种简捷方法 .
- Adopting Tera Pak Techniques,heat-seal cold cut methods. 采用利乐技术,热封冷切机构。
- Regardless of cutting method used in step 1, burrs are created which must be removed from both the pipe I.D. and O.D. before joining. 无论步骤1采用何种切割方式,都会产生毛刺,这些毛刺都必须在连接之前从管道内径和外径清除掉。
- Q: Guihua Mu addition to the production of fossil Decoration, Kistler Decoration and Decoration, jade, but also through cutting and pondering the production of Guihua Mu jewellery. 问:硅化木除了可以制作化石摆件、奇石摆件和玉石摆件外,还可以经过切割和琢磨以制作硅化木珠宝首饰。
- The processing features and cutting methods of slimness shafts are introduced. 介绍了长轴的切削加工特点及切削加工方法。
- They cleaved a path through the wilderness. 他们在荒原中开辟出一条路。
- I was paging through a magazine when he came in. 他进来时我在翻阅一本杂志。
- The processed results of the simulation interferogram obtained with simple threshold culling method and correlation coefficient cutting method are introduced ,respectively. 分别介绍了利用简单闽值裁剪法与相关系数裁剪法对仿真干涉图的处理结果。