- They vowed to love each other through all eternity. 他们立誓终生相爱。
- They and places are carried out and both Houm,, and taking go through all eternity by a gay treasure. 他们并竭尽所能地以奢华珍宝陪葬,伴之共赴永生。
- The sum which two married people owe to one another defies calculation. It is an infinite debet, which one can only be charged through all eternity. 夫妻之间欠对方的债是无法计算的。这笔债无穷无尽,只有相守到永远才能偿还。
- He carried through all his homework in ten minutes. 他在十分钟内完成了所有的家庭作业。
- I searched through all my papers. 我翻查了所有的文件。
- Dream that cannot be achieved through all eternity 永远不能实现的梦想
- He can't have slept through all that noise. 那麽吵他不可能睡得著觉。
- The lawyer had to wade through all the files. 律师得吃力地看完所有的案卷。
- He soon ran through all his father's money. 他不久就把父亲所有的钱花得精光。
- We are determined to carry through all our plans. 我们决心完成我们所有的计划。
- He stuck by her through all life's ups and downs. 他对她始终不渝,同甘共苦。
- I sit through all three performances but none of them is any good. 三个节目我都从头看到尾,可是没一个节目是精彩的。
- through all eternitiesadv. 永远
- Certain governing ideas of Spinoza breathe through all his works. 斯宾诺莎的某些主要思想贯穿其所有的著作。
- Her continuing courage shone through all her actions. 她的勇气不断通过行动充分表现出来。
- I sat through all three performances but none of them was any good. 三个节目我都从头看到尾,可是没一个节目是精彩的。
- We've plowed through all the documents related to the case. 我们费力地阅读了所有有关此案的文件。
- I've gone through all my pockets but I can't find my keys. 我把所有的口袋儿都找遍了,就是找不到我的钥匙。
- A likeness runs through all the brothers. 这些兄弟们长得很相像。
- Plankton that remains free-swimming through all stages of its life cycle. 终生浮游生物一种在其生命的所有阶段可自由游动的浮游生物