- thriving of central China 中原崛起
- A city of central China on the Wei He west of Xian. It is a thriving industrial center. Population,275,000. 宝鸡中国中部一城市,位于西安以西渭河河畔,是一个繁荣的工业中心。人口275,000
- A city of central China on the Wei He west of Xian. It is a thriving industrial center. Population, 275, 000. 宝鸡中国中部一城市,位于西安以西渭河河畔,是一个繁荣的工业中心。人口275,000
- A city of central China on the Wei He west of Xian. It is a thriving industrial center. Population, 275,000. 宝鸡:中国中部一城市,位于西安以西渭河河畔,是一个繁荣的工业中心。人口275,000
- Today most parts of Central China will have thundershowers. 今天华中大部分地区有雷阵雨。
- The family came from Zhoukou, in Henan Province, a poor part of central China. 这个家庭来自河南周口,中国中部地区一个贫穷的地方。
- Third, the Han paintings of central China have an aesthetic style of elegancy. 三是使中原汉画呈现出飘逸的美学风格。
- We will go to visit Henan Museum. There you can get a better understanding of the history and culture of Central China. 我们去参观河南博物院,你从中可以对中原文化有所了解。
- Set against the western development drive, the poverty in the urban areas of central China stands out most prominently. 摘要我国中部地区城镇人口贫困问题在“西部大开发”热潮映衬下尤其显得突出。
- In the valleys of central China, a fernlike weed called sweet wormwood grows in fields formerly dedicated to corn. 中国中部的山谷,一种名为香苦蒿、貌似羊齿植物的草丛生长在昔日的玉米田间。
- Besides, abounding in animal and plant resources, it enjoys a good name as medicine storehouse of central China. 此外,它有着丰富的动植物资源,享有“华中药库”美称。森林茂密、植被良好,是华中森林宝库之一,还被誉为“鄂西林海”。
- Professional people in the early 1990s, bolographic is the anti-false of central China. 副业人士称,上世纪90年代不末期,全息不离是防伪的土国土部。
- Zhengzhou, an ancient city on the Yellow River plains of central China, has long been an underachiever. 郑州是中国中部黄河流域平原地带的一座古城,长期以来,其经济发展不尽人意。
- The police prepare to destruct 327 electronic gambling machines sequestrated in Zhengzhou, capital of central China's Henan Province, Nov. 28, 2006. 11月28日,郑州市公安局金水分局集中销毁收缴的327台电子赌博机。在近期的打击赌博专项行动中,金水分局共查缴各种电子赌博机800余台。
- Review the past and look to the future, we must unswervingly promote scientific development, strive to achieve the rise of Central China. 回顾过去、展望未来,我们必须坚定不移地推动科学发展、奋力实现中原崛起。
- It ran be seen that Chaozhou Community is a group of people that is most concerned about the traditional culture of Central China. 从槟城潮帮的祭祀活动与潮剧的演出,可以看出,第一,潮帮是特别尊重中国中原文化的族群;
- He has arrived in the barren upland of central Spain. 他已经到了西班牙中部的贫瘠高地。
- When you are hand-coloring, cover available film drying or red film tapping system, can be used for untrend or colour retouching of central China. 是手工分色时的讳饰片,可用菲林晒制或赤胶片割制,可息定不天或修色之用华夏中部。
- As a province of central China, how to grasp the opportunity of "central rise" and quicken economic development steps is worth discussion for Hunan. 作为中部省份之一的湖南,如何抓住中部崛起的机遇,加快经济发展步伐,是值得探讨的一个问题。
- Innovation is very important for thriving of a nation. 创新是一个民族兴衰存亡的关键。