- The aerodynamic redesign of three stage low pressure compressor for QC185 gas turbine was completed by a new predictive engineering calculation method. 通过利用三维修正二维的多级轴流式叶轮机械的“预测性设计”的工程计算方法,实现了QC185燃气轮机3级低压压气机的气动改装设计;
- The gas turbine feeds on the fuel it pumps. 燃气轮机以它所抽入的燃料为能源。
- single stage gas turbine 单级燃汽轮机
- The APU is a singe shaft gas turbine engine with a two stage centrifugal compressor, a single combustion chamber and one radial inflow turbine. APU是一个单轴气动涡轮发动机,它有一个两级离心压气机,一个单燃烧室和一个径向内流式涡轮。
- Only few public buildings adopt Gas Turbine Cogeneration. 有少数公共建筑采用燃气轮机热电联产系统.
- It costs 10 pence to travel three stages. 10便士可以乘三站。
- It was divided my work into three stages. 我在公司的经历可分为三个阶段。
- The process is distributed into three stages. 工作进程分为三个阶段。
- Three stages wind speed control. 三段风速控制。
- Qiao Yu said: "Fishing falls into three stages. 钓鱼是一项能够陶冶性情的运动,有益于身心健康。
- At Shengli Gubei Thermoelectricity Plant, the gas turbine unit has been unused due to natural gas shortage. 摘要胜利石油管理局电力管理总公司孤北热电厂,担负着黄河以北油田工业生产、居民生活的部分用电负荷的发供电任务。
- You can visit the tower in three stages. 您可以分三步参观这座塔。
- It is comprised of multiple stage centrifugal pump,double stage gas separator, protector,submersible motor,guard shield and setting gas separator. 它主要由多级离心泵、双级分离器、保护器、潜油电机、护罩、沉降分离器组成。
- Distinguish among three stages of conflict. 辨别三种不同层次的冲突.
- Cutaway of the PW 4000112-in(284.48cm) gas turbine engine ,showing fan bypass section. 涡轮发动机剖面图,展示风扇旁路部分。
- GE Aircraft Engines is a world leader in the design, manufacture and servicing of gas turbine engines. ge 飞机发动机集团在燃气涡轮发动机的设计、产及维修方面处于世界领先地位。
- Prime mover qualifying symbol. Gas turbine or reciprocating engine can be specified. 原动机限定符号。可指定燃气轮机或往复式发动机。
- The astragal putrescence may be disassembled into three stage:putrescence stage,evolve stage and resume stage. 结论距骨缺血坏死可分为坏死期、进展期及修复期,坏死期极少见,而以进展期及修复期最多。
- Test Method for Trace Metals in Gas Turbine Fuels by Atomic Absorption and Flame Emission Spectroscopy (05. 用原子吸收和喷焰光谱法测定燃气涡轮机燃料中痕量金属的试验方法(05。
- The history of armed struggles,too,falls into three stages. 这段武装斗争史也可分为三个阶段。