- Three axes D.R.O. dose loop system detection ensure superior feed accuracy. 三轴光学尺闭徊路系统监视功能,确保位移摇动精度。
- The hall is equipped with an induction loop system. 大厅配备了环线感应系统。
- For such a single-input-three-output unstable system, the three loop PID control scheme is designed for a linear double inversed pendulum system. 摘要针对直线二级倒立摆系统的单输入三输出的不稳定系统,提出了三回路PID控制方案。
- For the main part of the system can be integral loop system. 主要用于开环系统,也可组成闭环系统.
- Xinbaoxun (Reporter Bai Yan Long) leading to the West Main Street West, the three loop traffic pressure will be eased. 信报讯(记者白延龙)西外大街通往西三环路的交通压力将得到缓解。
- The clos ed loop system thus obtained is homogeneous and has negative degree of homogenei ty. 由此得到的闭环系统是齐次的并且具有负的齐次度 .
- ITC issues, wealth centres, Yintai symbolic center complex, from 150 to 300 metres in height between the sides into alignment along the East three loop start. 国贸中心三期、财富中心、银泰中心等标志性建筑群,高度在150至300米之间,沿东三环路两侧成序列展开。
- Abstract: A novel digital closed loop system of Coriolis mass flowmeter (CMF) is devised and realized. 文章摘要: 提出并实现了一种科氏质量流量计的新型数字闭环系统。
- For example, three loop to Dongdan Pingguoyuan to Dongdan than the distance to the much, but spent the time on the road than the MTR has spent long hours. 比如,三环路到东单的距离比苹果园到东单要近得多,但在路上所花费的时间前者却要比地铁所花的时间长。
- The Model Loop System studying the characteristics of wax deposition is presented. 使用室内试验环道研究了青海原油的石蜡沉积特性。
- Schroeder's off-line Kidney Loop System is a stationary version of the Mobile Filtration System. 施罗德的离线肾循环系统是一个固定外形的移动过滤系统。
- The ADRC parameter setting was achieved by setting up the open loop system and the closed loop system using linear PD control. ADRC的参数整定通过建立开环系统和线性PD控制的闭环系统得以实现。
- Is the mould level and flow control in a closed loop system and are abrupt changes alerted, monitored and affected blooms controlled/downgraded? 铸模液面高度和(钢水)流控制是否在封闭的循环系统中进行?对突发情况是否有报警,监控措施?并且对受影响的钢坯得到控制和降级使用?
- There are three loops, and each time the laces cross, they go through them. 有三条环,每次带子环绕,它们就随着动。
- By this linearization model,the speed tracking control law is designed to increase the celerity of speed tracking while keeping the whole closed loop system stable. 通过此方法设计的速度跟踪控制,在保证整个闭环系统稳定的情况下,提高速度跟踪的快速性。
- Moreover, an approach is obtainedtodesigncontrollervia convex programming algorithm such that the closed loop system is ESPR and has maximum perturbation bound under the method. 通过凸优化算法,得到了所提出方法意义下具有最大摄动界的ESPR控制器设计方法。
- And the solution to obtain the maximum delay, with whic h the closed loop system remains stability, is achieved by the aid of linear mat rix inequality(LMI). 仿真结果 表明本文的方法是有效的。
- This article will analyse dynamic performance of hydraulic system through establishing mathematical model to the roadheader slewing hydraulic loop system. 本文将通过对掘进机液压回路系统建立数学模型,分析液压系统的动态性能。
- Six-way valve with three loops for auto introduction of sample and flame photometry detector (FPD) having satisfactory selectivity for sulfur and phosphorus were used. 采用能自动进样的六通阀和对硫磷有选择性的FPD检测器,色谱峰面积与硫化合物含量存在很好的双对数线性关系。
- Posteroinferior cerebellar artery traced in a crook course and usually formed three loops, which got in touch with glossopharyngeal nerve with a shallow pressed mark. 小脑后下动脉行程弯曲,通常形成3个袢,这些袢接触舌咽神经根并有浅的压痕。